Nightfall in Hinduism: Rituals, Temples, and Spiritual Beliefs Explained
Hinduism on Sexuality

Nightfall in Hinduism: Rituals, Temples, and Spiritual Beliefs Explained

A Hindu text talks about Brahmins who have experienced nocturnal emissions and bathe and chant mantras so that they can return to their virility. It is mentioned that masturbation could be considered a sin, but a nocturnal emission is not. When we talk about nightfall in Hinduism, Brahmacharya is a concept that refers to purity or refraining from sexual activity. There is faith in some Hindu rituals that engaging in sexual activity like nightfall can break one’s brahmacharya, as it works by disturbing the mind and can cause several uncontrolled desires. Read on to learn more about nightfall in Hinduism and the things you can do and avoid. Introduction Several men are troubled by wet dreams, also known as nocturnal emissions. If you notice some hints of nightfall, the individual should develop a proper attitude in life, lead a disciplined life, and eventually attain ultimate happiness. If the occurrence is rare, it is a normal thing and there is nothing to be afraid of. This can be because of body heat, or the force of loaded bladder on the seminal bags. This is not a pathological disorder. This is a small flushing or a periodical purification through a tiny overflow from the pool in which the semen is kept. If this act does not occur because of lustful thoughts, it is not considered a sin. It is most likely that the person has no idea about the event during the night.  Occasional releases are of no consequence, but regular nightfall in Hinduism causes depression of spirits, incapacity, low spirits, loss of memory, body pain, burning of the eyes, tiredness and burning sensation during urination. Also Read: Is Watching Porn a Sin in Hinduism? What is Nightfall or Wet Dreams? Nightfall occurs if a person has lustful thoughts or also other reasons, such as stimulus from bedsheets. It is also called wet dreams or nocturnal emissions. While people generally connect wet dreams to adolescent males, they can happen in anyone. Here are a few facts to keep in mind about nightfall Nightfall is a completely normal thing in the human body and is usually observed in teenagers who have just hit puberty. However, nightfall is not limited to teenagers alone. Older men, too, have experienced nightfall if the accumulated semen is not discharged from the body. On a side note, find out “How Many Times Is Nightfall Normal in a Week?“ Nightfall is not a concern but is a natural bodily process. Men and teens usually have feelings of guilt, anger, anxiety and lower self-esteem if they experience nightfall. Nightfall is not supposed to be an embarrassing thing and those who are facing nightfall issues can talk about it to a family member or a therapist and become more conscious of nightfall and other issues related to sexual development. In simple terms, nightfall in men is the discharge of excess sperm during sleep time, with or without any sexual thoughts. In more technical words, nocturnal emissions or nightfall is an involuntary release of the seminal liquid through the penis while the man is still sleeping, and it can happen during the late night or even early morning What Causes Nightfall or Wet Dreams? When you are sleeping, the quick blood rush to your sexual organs may be a lot. For males, this can lead to an erection. This is the common reason for “morning wood” in which you wake up with an erection, mostly without ejaculation but sometimes with pre-seminal liquid. Nocturnal emissions vary in that orgasm happens during a wet dream. There are several causes like – Sensual dreams: Lustful thoughts and dreams can lead to nightfall for some people, though they’re not a requirement. Testosterone surge: Wet dreams are connected to high testosterone levels, which is the primary sex hormone in men, and will swell during the teen years when puberty hits, right up until early adulthood. Stimulation of the genitals: It is also possible that the rubbing of the genitals while asleep can cause unintentional discharge. Wet dreams have also been connected to TV usage. One analysis found that teenage guys who watched more than three hours a day had more frequent wet dreams. The occurrence of wet dreams in females is less obvious, in part because they are harder to recognise due to the lack of ejaculation. Does Nightfall Breaks ​Fast in Hinduism? Fasting is known as a practice of refraining from consuming food, either fully or partly, for a limited period. It is an age-old tradition that can be observed in most religions of the world. Fasting in Hinduism implies the denial of the physical desires of the body for spiritual advancements. According to the Hindu scriptures, fasting helps create a sense of redemption with the gods by building a harmonious connection between the body and the spirit. This is considered to be necessary for the wellness of a human being as it fosters both physical and spiritual needs. Is wet dreams a sin in Hinduism? Having a wet dream while fasting does not break the fast because the occurrence is beyond a person’s control, and he cannot avoid it. We must understand how sexuality plays a part in the body, mind and soul to understand how it functions during fasting. During a fast, nightfall in Hinduism depends on several factors such as the basis for the fast – it could be for health or spiritual causes. For Hindus, the main idea behind fasting is self-control. In Hinduism, we dedicate particular attention to the relationship between the mind and the body. Fasting is a way to establish control over one’s body. In Hinduism, fasting is a way of gaining a higher status of spirituality that is of “awakening” oneself. It is an initial step in self-discipline. Hindus are profoundly spiritual. The purpose of life is self-realization and fasting helps gain control over passion,  emotions and senses as well. Just like gold is refined by fire, the mind is slowly refined through consistent fasting. Can We