Masturbation Effect on Testosterone: Does it Decrease or Increase Testosterone Levels

Masturbation Effect on Testosterone: Does it Decrease or Increase Testosterone Levels

Testosterone is one of the most essential hormones for male health and well-being. It controls mood, libido, muscle growth, and cognitive function. The importance of the hormone for mental and physical well-being cannot be denied. However, the impact of lifestyle choices, especially masturbation, on testosterone is one of the most commonly asked questions. Is it true that masturbation is lowering the levels of testosterone, or maybe it will increase and make testosterone levels rise? Of course, by comparing scientific studies, research, and opinions of all authorities with popular myths, this website tries to peek inside the window of the complex relationship between masturbation and testosterone.  Testosterone and Its Role in the Body Before discussing how masturbation affects testosterone levels, let’s first understand what testosterone is and why it is such an essential hormone. What is Testosterone? It is the hormone that is mainly secreted by the testicles in men, though also by ovaries in females, but in fewer amounts. Though it occurs in both genders, the hormone has the most importance in both and tends to be higher in males. Testosterone in males is required for: Sexual Function: It is another hormone that regulates libido, erection, and sperm production. Strength and Muscle Mass: It is a crucial hormone for muscle growth. It guarantees muscle strength, tissue regeneration, and protein synthesis. Bone Health Testosterone: It also contributes to maintaining and strengthening healthy bone tissue. Mood and Energy: This hormone regulates mood, thus lowering the chances of depression and increasing energy in general. Cognitive Function: This may depend on testosterone concentration levels since the hormone is associated with memory and spatial skills. Being a crucial fluid in the body that regulates all complex actions occurring in a human being, an individual should understand how masturbation works regarding hormonal levels and, by extension, the balance of health in such individuals. Effects of Masturbation on Testosterone Levels: What Does Research Say It’s a standard action and an everyday activity but has often been shrouded in myths. A study in the Archives of Sexual Behavior revealed that about 46% of men and 36% of women reported guilt feelings after masturbation experiences that may heighten anxiety, especially among individuals with prior mental disorder conditions or those who feel unsure about their behaviors.​ Let’s now review some medical and scientific research related to the act. 1. Does Masturbation Decrease Testosterone? One of the most common myths about masturbation is that it significantly lowers testosterone levels. Most say that frequent masturbation depletes the hormone, causing dips in energy, muscle mass, and overall sexual function. However, scientific studies have shown that masturbation does not cause significant long-term decreases in testosterone levels. 2. A Study on Ejaculation and Testosterone A 2003 study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism examined how ejaculation affects testosterone levels. The study found that testosterone levels vary transiently and modestly following ejaculation, and they return to baseline quickly after ejaculation. Michael Exton conducted a comparable study in 2001 that showed similar results. The study showed that after abstaining from ejaculation for several days, testosterone levels were slightly elevated. However, this effect would be only temporary. Instead, testosterone levels typically return to normal within 24 hours. These investigations demonstrate that while there could be minor variations in testosterone levels right after ejaculation, these variations are unrelated to a sustained decline in the hormone’s synthesis. In other words, does masturbating lower testosterone? No, it is tiny, and evidence also reveals this. 3. Does Masturbation Cause Testosterone Loss? Many people worry that if they masturbate too frequently, they have testosterone loss and, therefore, begin to suffer the effects of impaired performance, bad moods, or general poor health. Does masturbation cause testosterone loss? No, as explained previously, masturbation is not associated with loss of testosterone levels. Although some men experience minor temporary reductions in testosterone after ejaculating, this value also returns. 4. Does Masturbating Increase Testosterone? But on the other hand, many ask themselves whether masturbating increases testosterone. The short story is that masturbating will not cause a long-term, significant effect on testosterone levels. Even if there are minor elevations in testosterone from moments immediately following sexual stimulation or orgasm, these increases are momentary and not substantial enough to affect overall testosterone levels durably. Does masturbating increase testosterone? They would raise short-term but did not play an essential role in the variation of the total levels of hormones at the time of arousal sessions. 5. Testosterone and Masturbation: Fluctuations in Testosterone Levels This means that whatever variations are caused in testosterone by masturbation are not temporary. After orgasm, testosterone may dip slightly but return to normal levels right away. There is evidence showing that ejaculation does temporarily affect testosterone for just a couple of hours, after which testosterone returns to the baseline. In this sense, masturbation has no long-term effect on your testosterone levels. 6. Testosterone and Mental Health There is also the psychological effect of masturbation on testosterone levels. Most people must have been guilty or ashamed about masturbation, which in itself causes stress and anxiety. Stress is a known factor that reduces testosterone levels, and one may feel that the emotional context surrounding masturbation has a more significant influence on testosterone than the activity itself. The short-term gratification of masturbation releases endorphins and other neurochemicals, which elevate mood and decrease stress. Masturbation may, therefore, temporarily improve one’s sense of well-being. With time, masturbation may help with mental health as it enables individuals to cope with stress, anxiety, and tension. Will Masturbation Affect My Muscle Building? The significance of testosterone in the development of muscles, sexual function, and general health makes it not surprising that most people are concerned with whether masturbation can affect their physical performance or fitness goals. Testosterone, Muscle Building, and Fitness Many athletes who train are afraid of masturbation since it will ruin their muscle building or possible success of achieving the fitness requirement because the level of testosterone has decreased. The effects of masturbation on muscle growth are negligible. Short-Term