
Does Masturbation Cause Blindness? Here’s the Truth

Does Masturbation Cause Blindness

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Does masturbation cause blindness? It’s the same word whispered behind closed doors or scribbled on online forums from ancient times until today. Thus, in this blog post, we will look into this long-standing concern and give a clear, scientifically-based answer: can masturbation cause blindness?

With the increase in sexual health education, myths have to be broken and good information supplied. Masturbation has been a subject that people, particularly youths, have been concerned and intrigued about; it’s one area many have questions about and are extremely worried or anxious about. Through discussion and investigation in this particular area, we seek to calm down such worried souls and encourage people to have a more healthy knowledge of human sexuality and its implications on the body.

This mythology persisted, not only for want of better answers to the question of sexual education but as an example of the importance of comprehensive and honest discussions regarding taboo subjects.

Does Masturbation Cause Blindness?

This belief derives from some incorrect myths from various cultures and religions that forbid masturbation. In the 18th and 19th centuries, these myths were even supplemented by some physicians, who stated that if one lost his sperm, he could become blind, along with other health issues. Science has proven these statements as entirely false in today’s world.

Research shows that up to 2% of total testosterone (TT) in humans is present in its physiologically active form, known as free testosterone (FT), with the other 98% attached to transport proteins such as albumin and the sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). 

Why do these myths persevere? One reason that explains the persistence of this myth might be the temporary physiological changes during sexual arousal and orgasm. For a few individuals, vision might become blurry or the eyes light-sensitive right after orgasm. These, however, are merely temporary and do not cause permanent damage to one’s eyesight.

It should be noted that masturbation is an integral part of any human sexual relationship. The World Health Organization considers sexual health, which incorporates masturbation, as one of the crucial elements of well-being. Contrary to its old version, masturbation can have several other positive effects on the human body and spirit, such as relieving tension, helping sleep better, and being more acutely sensitive to the body.

The Historical Context of the Myth

But the idea that masturbation causes blindness goes back a long time; it was in the early years of the 18th century that Swiss physician Samuel-Auguste Tissot published a treatise asserting that “semen loss” through masturbation could cause an astonishingly wide range of ailments, including blindness. This work, without any foundation in scientific fact, had such a significant impact on attitudes toward masturbation that it remained relevant for centuries.

The study involved 11 healthy young men, aged 27.1 years and 181.7 cm, recruited from the German Sport University Cologne. All participants were considered highly advanced strength athletes without any physical, psychological, or sexual dysfunction. They had at least three years of training experience, performed above 100% of body weight in back squats and bench presses, and trained more than four times per week. The local ethics committee approved the study, and participants were informed of the design.

Anti-masturbation views were the most potent at this time. Many believed during the Victorian period that mental illness, as well as physical debilitation, ensued, and moral decay resulted, all due to masturbation. This was when various devices and treatments began to be invented to prevent masturbation, especially in youths.

The persistence of the blindness myth into contemporary times speaks eloquently about the deep inculcation of history’s attitudes within societal consciousness. Even as understanding continues to advance on the scientific side, old myths just begin to circulate again, often causing unnecessary anxiety and shame.

The Science Behind Sexual Arousal and Vision

It is beneficial when one tries to demolish the claim that masturbation and blindness are somehow related to clarifying what goes on in our body concerning physiological change while becoming sexually aroused or in orgasm. A vital part of a healthy sexual growth is masturbation. It’s a standard, organic method of discovering your body, experiencing pleasure, and reaching the orgasm (sex release) threshold.

The body experiences several physiological changes in sexual activity, such as masturbation:

  1. Increase in heart rate and pressure
  2. Uptake in breathing rate
  3. Different hormones released, such as oxytocin and endorphins
  4. Tension of muscles and release

None of these affect the eyes or optic nerves in a harmful way. The conditions that temporarily impair vision, such as that suffered by some people either during or immediately after orgasm, are typically caused by:

  1. Blood flow: Increased blood flow across the body, including the head and eyes, occurs with arousal and orgasm. This can temporarily alter perception but does not harm the eyes.
  2. Hormone release: Sexual intercourse causes the release of a few hormones into the body, temporarily affecting many of its systems, including vision.
  3. Dilation of pupils: Sexual excitement causes pupil dilation, which temporally degrades the eye’s ability to process light.

All these changes are temporary and would not harm eyes or vision over the long term.

Can You Go Blind From Ejaculating Too Much?

Another version of the same myth is, “can masturbation cause blindness” If you jerk off too much.” Well, the truth is a resounding no. Sexual orgasms made during masturbation or other forms of sexual activity have absolutely nothing to do with the loss of or preservation of one’s sight or eye health.

The human body is designed to generate and supply sperm incessantly. Although the number of ejaculations may be frequent, they do not drain the body of vital nutrients or stress the eyes or the optic nerve. The physiology of ejaculation cuts completely across that of vision and eye health.

It should be mentioned that although over-masturbation can not lead to blindness, it might have other effects if it intrudes upon daily life or relationships. These would be psychological or social and certainly not physical, let alone linked with sight.

The Concept of “Excessive” Masturbation

“Normal” depends on age, libido, lifestyle, and perception factors. No one will agree on how many is “too much”.

From the medical standpoint, masturbation is considered pathological if it: 

  1. Interferes with regular daily routine and life, work, or relationships in any form.
  2. Causes physical inconvenience or hurt. 
  3. Compulsive and out of one’s control.
  4. Used as an unhealthy way to cope with stress or emotional problems

What Does Affect Eyesight?

While masturbation and blindness are unrelated, several factors can affect eyesight. These may help people take better care of their eye health:

  1. Age: Naturally, vision deteriorates with age.
  2. High sun exposure: UV rays damage the eyes, and damage is inflicted in the long run.
  3. Smoking: This lifestyle habit can cause eye disease or increase the risk of acquiring certain diseases in the eye.
  4. Other illnesses: A great example is diabetes, which causes a lot of harm to your eyes.
  5. Injury: Physical harm in the eye leads to temporary or permanent vision problems.

These are, therefore, the actual causes affecting the eye, and they have a connection with nothing else but masturbation or sexual activities.

How to Improve Eyesight?

Masturbation probably doesn’t have a thing to do with blindness, but here are a few ways of keeping your eyes healthy and maybe improving eyesight:

  1. Eye Check-ups: Getting frequent check-ups every year at an optometrist can ensure problems come early.
  2. You get enough sleep: The eyes find time to rest from all the stresses they undergo daily when you get ample sleep.
  3. Quit smoking: Once the patient quits smoking, it will be a magic solution to reducing the danger that eye diseases pose to your condition.

Know that these behaviours are helpful to eye health but are no replacement for correcting conditions such as myopia or hyperopia. Correctional glasses or refractive surgery will be necessary to fix this.

Detailed Strategies for Eye Health

Let’s explore deeper some of the above:

1. Regular exercise

It may help protect against a healthy body mass or reduce the chances of obesity-related conditions afflicting eye health: diabetes and hypertension.

2. Eye Protection-Very Activity-Specific Use

  • Safety glasses: Anytime you’re working with tools or chemicals
  • Eye protection: Specifically for activities, it is very specific for use.
  • Glasses: Where and when to use during activities, with or without protection sunglasses, for hitting the UVA/UVB sunlight
  • Sports goggles: Activities that have a very high impact or involve projectile

3. Digital eye strain prevention

Besides the 20-20-20 rule, you should also:

  • Change the brightness and contrast of your computer so it feels right
  • Keep your screen at least two to four inches below your eye level and positioned far enough from you to not be crowded over the shoulder/arm-width-apart distance.
  • Get artificial tears over the dryness.
  • Explore blue light filtering glasses or a screen filter.

4. Hydration

The hydrating eyes will retain their natural moisture and have less chance of dry eye syndrome. 

5. Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking is one of the best things you can do for your general and eye health. If you want to quit, seek professional help from healthcare workers or services.

6. Long-term management of diseases

Most individuals with chronic diseases like diabetes and hypertension are anticipated to collaborate closely with their healthcare providers to ensure that they live in control of their conditions. They thus need check-ups periodically and medication adherence.

7. Eye exercises

Eye exercises are controversial mainly because some people claim they are helpful while others claim they found no helpfulness. Examples include:

  • Change of focus: Move a finger a few inches from the eye to focus on it. Next, change to an object in the distance with your finger kept a few inches from your eye. Repeat.
  • Figure eight: Follow with your eyes an imaginary figure eight.
  • 20-20-20 rule: As mentioned above, this might assist in lowering the risk of eye strain.

Remember that these methods are more about maintaining eye health and preventing degradation. These are meant to supplement proper medical treatment or treatment one is being advised.

Does Masturbation Cause Dark Circles?

There is another recurrent myth that claims masturbation leads to dark circles under the eyes. It is another myth with no truth. Again, in the same way that blindness is a myth, dark circles are not caused by masturbation. Dark circles might be caused by all these additional reasons, among others:

  1. Genetics: Some may have a genetic tendency to have dark circles.
  2. Less sleep: Sleeping less will cause puffiness and dark circles.
  3. Dehydration: Dehydration makes the skin underneath your eyes appear darker because it’s not getting enough hydration.
  4. Allergies: Allergies may trigger inflammation and discolouration in the eye area.
  5. Sun exposure: Too much sun exposure produces too much melanin, which leads to darkness under the eyes.

Instead, if you find yourself worried about dark circles, try to look at the causes mentioned above or get advice from a dermatologist regarding your actual case.

Dark Circles: Some perspectives

Let’s dig deeper into the causes of dark circles and how to deal with them

  1. Dehydration: Drink water during the day.
  2. Allergies: Inflammation caused by an allergic reaction makes blood flow fast to the eyes, causing dark spots in the area. See an allergist if you suspect allergies.
  3. Sun rays: UV rays increase melanin, thus pigment. Due to the high sensitivity of your eye skin, apply sunscreen and wear eyeglasses to avoid dark circles near your eyes.
  4. Ageing: The increase in blood vessels under your eye area might occur due to the loss of face fat and collagen with ageing. A skincare routine and a healthy lifestyle can delay this.
  5. Nutritional deficiencies: You must take sufficient vitamins, including vitamin K and B12. Nutrients play essential circulatory and cutaneous functions.

Other solutions for dark circles include:

  • Topical treatments: It is easy to improve dark circles with a vitamin K and C cream, caffeine, or retinol
  • Concealer makeup: Dark circles may be hidden well with good concealer makeup for some time.
  • Lifestyle changes: Sufficient sleep, adequate water intake, and skin protection from the sun decrease the severity of dark circles.
  • Medical treatments: A dermatologist may prescribe chemical peels or laser therapy to diminish the appearance of chronic dark circles.

Remember, though dark circles can be a cosmetic bother, they are rarely signs of any serious health issue. Contact a dermatologist for advice if you’re concerned about persistent dark circles.

FAQs on Does Masturbation Cause Blindness

1. Can you go blind from jerking off?

Ans. No, you won’t get blindness, however much you masturbate. One of the most imagined myths about this without scientific evidence of the statement is that masturbation is usually a healthy sexual activity which cannot harm the human body, such as the eyes.

This myth probably still lingers because of historical misconceptions about sexuality and as an attempt to discourage the act of masturbation. In any case, modern medical science is unambiguously conclusive that masturbation has nothing to do with vision loss.

2. What are the side effects of over-masturbation on the eyes?

Ans. There is no known side effect to the eyes from masturbation based on frequency. The myth of masturbation and blindness has long since been rested. A few may see that vision becomes somewhat blurry for a short period after orgasm, but this is because of general physiological changes at the moment of orgasm, not because it causes any damage and is temporary.

Some of these temporary changes can be:

  1. Mild blurring of vision: These changes occur with blood pressure changes and are usually self-limiting within a few minutes.
  2. Increased light sensitivity: For some, bright lights will be felt more intensely following orgasm.
  3. Dilation of pupils: Sexual arousal can cause pupils to dilate, temporarily affecting vision.

These transient effects do not cause lasting damage to either eye health or vision.

3. Does orgasm increase eye pressure?

Ans. There is nothing to suggest that orgasm, per se, dangerously increases eye pressure. Some studies report a minimal, temporary rise in intraocular pressure immediately after orgasm; the increase is minimal, though, and returns to normal in a minute or so and poses no danger for most people.

However, if you have some pre-existing eye condition like glaucoma, you must always consult your ophthalmologist regarding any of your concerns relating to sexual activity and eye health. They should be able to give specific recommendations based on your medical history and condition.

4. Is there some connection between sexual activity and eye health?

Ans. Though masturbation and blindness are entirely unrelated activities, there are pretty several exciting connections between sexual activity and eye health:

  1. Release of hormones: The activity and masturbation release oxytocin and endorphins, which enhance general well-being, hence eye health.
  2. Reduces stress: The act will reduce stress, which is known to affect eye health. High-stress levels have been associated with many conditions, such as central serous retinopathy.
  3. Enhanced blood flow: Since sexual activity may help improve blood circulation, proper blood flow to the eyes can confer several benefits.
  4. Transitory distorted vision: The changes, as discussed above, that some may experience could sometimes occur in the form of transient distorted vision during or immediately following an orgasm; however, no adverse side effects are noted.

Note that while these links exist, they do not imply that sexual activity is directly related to improving eye health. Essentially, maintaining good eye health depends on factors such as timely check-ups, eating well, and protecting your eyes from harm.

5. Can too much screen time while masturbating cause eye problems?

Ans. Even though masturbation and blindness are unrelated to each other, excessive screen use in masturbation has been known to impact the health of the eyes negatively. To illustrate, someone often utilising digital tools to masturbate will be prone to digital eye strain or computer vision syndrome. This syndrome is not associated with the act of masturbation but instead with spending a lot of time staring at a screen.

Common digital eye strain symptoms

  1. Discomfort and eye strain
  2. Dryness or moistening
  3. Blurry vision or vision that appears to double
  4. Headaches
  5. Neck and shoulder pain

To protect your eyes from any strained part of screen activity in masturbation, here are some do’s:

  1. Adopt the 20-20-20 rule: Fixate on something 20 feet away at least 20 times a minute.
  2. Correct lighting: Reduce glaring and harsh lights that could complicate your strained eyes.
  3. Adjust your screen: Place it at arm’s length and slightly lower than your eye level.
  4. Use artificial tears: This may help counter dryness by decreasing blinking as people look at the screen.
  5. Use blue-light filtering: This can be done through setup on the screens or by using special glasses.

Of course, these precautions apply to all screen-based activity, not just sex and masturbation.


Does masturbation cause blindness? No. Such myths were silenced by modern medical science as far back as the description of other myths that evolved regarding masturbation and eye health. Normal and healthy masturbation does not place any risk to vision or overall eye health.

Sexual health is one of those issues that must be rooted in scientific fact. People tend to believe all sorts of things that spread around, for example, “Can you go blind from masturbating?” or “Does masturbation make you blind?“. All these ideas cause unnecessary anxiety and even shame. Once I know the truth about masturbation and blindness, then I feel comfortable with my body and my sexual health.

These are the myths that appear to linger on; that makes me believe that sexual education should be foolproof. Open discussion on these issues and dissemination of proper information are means through which one can help eliminate such misconceptions and cultivate a better understanding of human sexuality.

Masturbation has nothing to do with healthy eyes, but a great many things do impact our seeing. To maintain good eye health, people must get their eyes checked regularly, eat properly, protect them, and look at screens responsibly. It’s essential to visit an eye-care professional if you have a vision problem or have concerns about your eye health.

And do not forget that sexual health is an essential part of a general state of well-being. It’s pretty standard to have questions or concerns over sexual activities, including masturbation. If you are worried about your sexual health, don’t hesitate to turn to a healthcare provider or sexual health expert. They can give you all the advice relevant to your case and help resolve specific issues.

We can ensure healthy discourse over sexual health is better informed and less stigmatised by providing correct information and encouraging open discussion. Let’s continue contesting the myths, find the facts, and create a healthier understanding of our bodies and our sexuality.


  • Meghna

    Meghana is a content creator specializing in enhancing online visibility and reader engagement. With a strong background in SEO, Meghana crafts content that effectively improves search rankings and captivates audiences. Outside of work, Meghana enjoys exploring new places, watching films, and discovering fresh music.

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