
How Often Do Men Masturbate? The Science Behind the Habit

How Often Do Men Masturbate

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Masturbation is a common and natural sexual activity practised by people of any gender. However, there usually comes the question of what is “normal” masturbation frequency, especially in men. The article investigates the question of how often men masturbate. It looks into research on the topic, expert opinions, and common misconceptions that can help create a more detailed explanation of men’s masturbation habits and their possible impacts on health and well-being.

Worth adding is that there is no general rule of how often men masturbate, especially considering such factors as individual tastes, lifestyle, or health. However, if we look into the data and further analysis of the experts, there could be a more substantial understanding regarding the common patterns and risks or benefits accompanying different masturbation frequencies.

How Often Do Men Masturbate?

What may be termed the most frequently asked question about male sexual behaviour is: how often do men masturbate? Reliable statistics are hard to come by because masturbation is such a private activity, and even more than that, it tends to be underreported. Still, some researchers have done their best to find an answer.

Of the more than 800 teens and young adults polled in a survey conducted in JAMA Pediatrics, nearly 74% of the males stated that they masturbated. Amongst masturbators, frequency varied: 

  • 48.1% of masturbators reported masturbation 2-3 times per week
  • 26.8% masturbated 4-6 times per week
  • 9.4% masturbated at least once a day

These estimates reflect only the under-30 males; the ‘patterns’ will probably differ for different age groups. One more study that included a more diverse age range reported that:

  • 20% of men admitted masturbation 3-4 times a week
  • 23% admitted masturbation several times a month
  • 20% reported masturbation a few times a year

These statistics underscore that there’s a wide range of what could be considered “normal” when it comes to how often men masturbate. While some may masturbate daily, others will do it only occasionally, and each one is perfectly healthy, depending on the individual circumstances.

How Many Times Can A Man Masturbate in a Day?

While we discussed the average number of times men masturbate, some might be curious about how often they masturbate. Technically, there is no direct biological constraint on the number of times a man can masturbate within one day; some may indeed masturbate several times a day, especially among younger men who have higher libidos.

However, the very frequent masturbation does call for attention to both physical and psychological considerations.

  • Physical limitations: Generally, male individuals experience a refractory period right after ejaculation where they are not able to have another erection or orgasm. This period can extend from minutes to hours in some men, and with age and physiology, this period also varies in intensity.
  • Skin irritation: Too much masturbation may lead to skin irritation or soreness when proper lubrication is not utilised.
  • Time constraints: Many practical factors such as working, social demands, and sleeping time dictates limit the time available for masturbation
  • Psychological factors: Some people with compulsive traits tend to end up masturbation excessively often or even as a tool for stress coping or anxiety.

How Often Does a Man Need to Ejaculate?

This is a complex question and could not quickly be answered. From a biological standpoint only, men don’t “need” to ejaculate at any specific frequency at all. The body will naturally release excess sperm through nocturnal emissions (wet dreams) if a man goes extended periods without ejaculating.

As per research, a male needs five to seven minutes on average, timed with a stopwatch, to reach orgasm and ejaculate. However, the range is broad overall, spanning from under a minute to more than 30 minutes.

On the other hand, many researches show that frequent ejaculation benefits health, particularly the prostate. A study from the NIH indicates that the risk of prostate cancer was lower among men who had at least 21 ejaculations per month compared to those who experienced only an ejaculation frequency of 4-7 times per month.

Importantly, these findings are correlational rather than causal. Other factors such as a general health status, diet, and genetics significantly influence a risk of prostate cancer. Nevertheless, this research suggests that average ejaculation frequency, whether by masturbation or by sexual activity with a partner, may be positively related to health.

Although there is no specific recommendation on How Often Does a Man Need to Ejaculate, regular sexual activity or masturbation-that is, whatever works for anyone-likely serves the sexual and overall health best for most men.

Masturbation Benefits

Knowing how often men masturbate is essential, but just as relevant is understanding the possible benefits of doing so. As per the study in comparison to women who desired no change in their frequency of partnered sex, the former group was 3.89 times (95% CI: 2.98, 5.08) and the latter group was 2.07 times (95% CI: 1.63, 2.62) more likely to report higher frequencies of past-year masturbation. F. Men who reported wanting partnered sex more frequently were 2.37 times (95% CI: 1.84, 3.06) and 4.40 times (95% CI: 3.41, 5.68) more likely to report higher frequencies of past-year masturbation activity than those who said they wanted no change in their current frequency of partnered sex.

There are several positive outcomes associated with masturbation:

  • Lessened stress: The increase of endorphins through masturbation could reduce stress and lead to a state of relaxation.
  • Better sleep: Oxytocin and prolactin during orgasm and release promote better sleep habits.
  • Relieves depression: Enjoyment of masturbation can improve mood and self-esteem.
  • Prostate health: High frequency of ejaculation has been connected to a reduced chance of developing prostate cancer.
  • Sexual function: Habituation of the male to his body and sexual response can, through regular masturbation, be enhanced and therefore overall sexual function and experience.
  • Pain relief: Endorphin release from masturbation is assumed to induce a mild analgesic effect.

These benefits highlight that masturbation, if practised within moderation and as part of a healthy lifestyle, would be in the best interest of his well-being.

Negative Effects of Masturbation

Masturbation in general is considered to be the norm and normative. But since it also affects a man’s capacity, there has been a need to examine possible detrimental effects, particularly in terms of the extent of masturbation among men. In general, these damaging effects have been seen to be linked with excessive or compulsive masturbation rather than the act itself:

  • Physical friction: Masturbating too often or very vigorously causes irritation or minor injury to the genitals.
  • Decreased sensitivity: Most males mention decreased penile sensitivity from masturbations that occur extremely frequently, an issue that is typically resolved within weeks or months.
  • Psychological addiction: In some instances, dudes may really become psychologically dependent on masturbation as an intervention tool or to fall asleep that might undermine other intervention techniques or sexual relationships.
  • Relationship problems: Compulsive masturbation sometimes might interfere with sexual activities or intimacy in relationships.
  • Disorganisation of time: If masturbation is compulsive, then it interferes with work and other social activities or other important aspects of life.
  • Guilt or anxiety: Due to cultural and religious belief, some males might even experience negative feelings with masturbation that would interfere with mental health.

It is noteworthy that all these adverse effects are not due to masturbation itself but to the over-practice of it or the underlying psychological problems. Indeed, masturbation still remains the normal and healthy sexual act for most men.

How Often Should a Man Ejaculate?

Now that we’ve covered several topics related to masturbation in men, including how often do guys masturbate on average and the possible benefits and risks, let’s discuss this question: How Often Should a Man Ejaculate?

This is something that no one has ever nailed down, no pun intended. Actually, the answer is subjective because what may be suitable for someone may not be suitable for another. Having said that, here are some general recommendations in light of published research:

  • For prostate health: Some studies have established that ejaculation up to 21 times within a month may be linked with decreased chances of prostate cancer. This does not mean that a man must orgasm that many times to keep himself safe from prostate cancer.
  • For general health and well-being: Regular ejaculation, through masturbation or sexual activity with a partner, is associated with several health benefits. It can range from once a day, three to four times during the week, and up to once a week.
  • For sexual satisfaction: Again, the ideal frequency differs according to individual libido and preference. As to sexual satisfaction, some men may feel satisfied in a daily ejaculation, while other men might want to do it less than that. 
  • For fertility: In trying to conceive, doctors frequently give the man the recommendation to ejaculate every other day within the fertile window to preserve the best sperm quality and count.

Suppose you have questions about how many times a man should ejaculate. In that case, you have to consult a medical professional for advice based on your overall health status, age, and many other relevant factors.

FAQs on How Often Should a Man Masturbate

1. How often should I masturbate?

Ans. There is no such thing as one “right” frequency when it comes to masturbation. Average man masturbates a few times a month or up to everyday. It all depends upon his circumstances, such as age, libido, marital status, and overall healthiness. Provided that masturbation is not inducing physical distress or creating problems in daily life, it is generally healthy.

2. How often should a male masturbate per week?

Ans. There isn’t really a definitive number about how many times a man “should” masturbate during the course of a week. There is, though, some evidence that indicates that regular ejaculation may have health benefits. This could be greater than 21 ejaculations a month, but it does not say that every man should accomplish this. Instead, listen to your body and find the rhythm natural and enjoyable for you.

3. How often should a male masturbate per day?

Ans. Physically, many males can masturbate dozens of times per day, especially for young men. Nevertheless, masturbation too frequently will lead to discomfort or sensitivity issues. If you are concerned about how often do guys masturbate daily, most masturbating men generally do it once or twice per day.

4. How often should a girl masturbate?

Ans. Of course, this paper gives many details about male masturbation, but female masturbation is also very normal and healthy. While men need masturbation for a regular release, there isn’t a frequency that applies to each woman, but she should masturbate as often as feels comfortable or enjoyable for her-it might be rarely, daily, or even every hour.


How commonly is masturbation normal? Masturbation should be of a frequency that is no cause for concern among men. Frequency could range from daily to several times per week. Some may even go months or years without an episode. Determining normalcy is whether the behaviour is causing distress or interfering with life. 

BlockP can be a valuable tool for individuals seeking to manage their masturbation habits. BlockP can help create a healthier and more balanced relationship with technology by providing features to limit access to certain websites or apps. While consulting with a healthcare professional for personalised guidance is essential, BlockP can support setting boundaries and finding a healthy balance in your digital life.

If you have any issues regarding your frequency of masturbation, do not delay discussing them with a healthcare provider or sex therapist.


  • Meghna

    Meghana is a content creator specializing in enhancing online visibility and reader engagement. With a strong background in SEO, Meghana crafts content that effectively improves search rankings and captivates audiences. Outside of work, Meghana enjoys exploring new places, watching films, and discovering fresh music.

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