
Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 17-02-2024

This privacy policy (“Policy”) explains how BlockP (“we,” “us,” “our”) collects, uses, shares, and protects personal information collected through use of our Chrome extension.
No Direct Collection of Browsing History: BlockP does not directly collect or store your browsing history. Your web visits and pages viewed are not recorded.
Blocked Website Data: In order to fulfill its intended function, BlockP requires a list of websites, domains, and keywords you have chosen to block. This data is stored locally on your device.
Technical Information: We may collect non-personally identifiable technical data for the purpose of improving BlockP. This might include browser version, operating system, and screen resolution.
Usage Data: To improve our understanding of BlockP’s features, we may collect anonymized usage data, such as the number of active blocks configured and general feature interaction.

Information We Collect

How We Use Information Providing the BlockP Service: We use the information collected primarily to enable the website, content, and keyword blocking functionality within the BlockP extension.
Extension Improvement: We may use technical and usage data to enhance features, detect malfunctions, and optimize the performance of BlockP.
Support: Technical information may help us troubleshoot issues you encounter with the BlockP extension.

How We Share Information

No Data Sharing: BlockP does not sell or share personal information with third parties for commercial purposes.
Legal Compliance: We may disclose information where required to do so by law, subpoenas, or in situations where failure to disclose could lead to harm to yourself or others.
Security Measures: Your blocklist data is stored locally on your device. You may modify or remove this information at any time through the BlockP settings.
Information Management: We take measures to secure your blocked website list, however, no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be entirely secure. While we make an effort to protect your information, you use BlockP at your own risk.
Children’s Privacy: BlockP may be used to protect children under the age of 13. However, we do not knowingly collect personal information directly from children in that age group.
Contact Us: This policy may change over time. Please refer to the “Last Updated” date for the most recent changes. Major changes will be prominently announced within the BlockP extension or via email if an address has been provided.
Policy Updates: If you have questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please contact us at:


Important Considerations

Legal Disclaimers: Depending on your jurisdiction, specific legal wording and disclaimers may be mandatory. Consult a legal expert.
Additional Services: Be precise about your data collection if BlockP involves any additional features or services outside of its core functionality.
Clarity: Consider your audience when constructing your policy to make it as accessible and readable as possible.
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