
Why Am I Addicted To Masturbating: 5 Ways to Stop Masturbation Addiction

Why Am I Addicted To Masturbating

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Why do I always ask myself, ‘”Why am I addicted to masturbating?’ Many of you have found yourselves questioning this same thing. Most tend to look down upon themselves or maybe even feel slightly irritated by this behaviour. In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss why there is indeed such a thing as masturbation addiction, its signs and symptoms, and most importantly, how to overcome it.

What is Masturbation Addiction?

Before the reasons that bring about masturbation addiction, it is essential to understand what masturbation addiction is?. Masturbation addiction is also known as compulsive masturbation. It is one of the behavioural addictions where there is an overwhelming urge to masturbate, often interfering with daily life, relationships, and well-being.

As a point, masturbation itself is a healthy and normal sexual activity. However, whenever it becomes compulsive or excessive or starts negatively affecting other behaviours in life, then it can be referred to as addiction. Masturbation addiction isn’t officially registered in DSM-5 Manual but is quite often considered a subset of compulsive sexual behaviour disorder.

A national representative survey of 5865 men and women ages 14–94 was conducted 2009 for the National Survey of Sexual Health Behaviour (NSSHB). Of the men, 28%, ages 70+, 43%, ages 14–15 and 60–69, and over half, ages 16–59, reported engaging in solo masturbation in the previous month. 

The difference between healthy masturbation and addiction is how much control a person has over the behaviour and how it affects their life.

Why Am I Addicted to Masturbating?

If it’s always in your thoughts: “Why am I addicted to masturbation?” then there are several reasons you may be at play. Understanding these reasons will also be your first step to addressing this problem.

  1. Relaxation: Many consider masturbation as a coping mechanism for stress, anxiety, or the negative feelings they may be dealing with. The slight moment of relief that comes along with pleasure can lead to dependency on these coping mechanisms. Anything stressful can activate the brain in seeking temporary relief, hence making it an addictive behaviour.
  2. Hormonal Effects: It is indeed a fact that changes in hormones can occur during puberty and young adult periods and thus may cause elevated sexual desire with potential masturbation. Testosterone can also contribute to compulsive sexual behaviours as it directly affects sexual drives.
  3. Psychological Factors: There are psychological factors, of which undiagnosed chronic mental illnesses like depression or anxiety and low self-esteem are associated with addiction to masturbation. 
  4. Boredom or loneliness: In most instances, a person will not have an activity to do anything with, nor will he have someone to share his thinking with. An idle brain turns something easy and time-passing into something up-temptation-giving, such as masturbation.
  5. Pornography Use: In some individuals, addictive pornography consumption is accompanied by compulsive masturbation. Given the ease of accessing pornography online, there may be an escalation in masturbation frequency and desensitisation to sexual stimuli so that more frequent or intense stimulation will become necessary to achieve orgasm.
  6. Neurochemical Rewards: Masturbation releases dopamine, endorphins, and other “feel good” chemicals in the brain. These chemicals might eventually cause the brain to become habituated to such surges over time, requiring a regular masturbation session to once again feel the same intense pleasures.
  7. Escape Mechanism: Masturbation can sometimes serve as a means of escape for individuals from the world where real problems exist or as a form of avoidance from pressures within the daily realm. It temporarily drives away those feelings of inadequacy or failure.
  8. Learned Behaviour: At other times, masturbation addiction may result from what was learned through behaviour fallout from early sexual experience or exposure to sexual content when he was still a child.
  9. The problem might have some relation to relationship issues: A person might have various difficulties in his romantic relationships, or they are afraid of intimacy, having an unsatisfying sexual partnership.

Understanding these factors will help you realise why you might be facing this problem and which solutions can guide you towards appropriate solutions. First of all, remember that addiction to masturbating is very complex and consists of several contributing factors, so it needs treatment as well. Symptoms of masturbation addiction are mostly visible; however, some of the more evident signs and symptoms are mentioned below:

Signs and Symptoms of Masturbation Addiction

More recently, in a comparison of sexual activities reported in the 2009 and 2018 waves of the NSSHB, whereas all kinds of partnered sex analyzed had declined from 2009 to 2018, solo masturbation among adults did not decline during this time frame. 

The signs of masturbation addiction must be understood and known to address the problem. Some common symptoms include:

  1. Lack of Control: No matter how hard you try to stop or even cut down, you cannot refrain from masturbating. One of the essential characteristics of addiction is that you cannot control this behaviour.
  2. Interference with Day-to-Day Activities: Masturbation begins interfering with work, school, relationships, or other meaningful spheres of life. You may miss social functions, fail to meet deadlines or lose interest in responsibilities.
  3. Escalation: You have to masturbate more frequently or in more dangerous conditions to reach the same level of enjoyment. It can mean masturbation in public places, at inappropriate times, or in locations that may expose you to legal or social consequences.
  4. Withdrawal Symptoms: You become irritable, anxious, or restive unless you can masturbate. Your signs can be similar to symptoms with other substance use disorders.
  5. Obsession: Compulsive thinking and planning to masturbate. It starts to interfere with other activities and duties.
  6. Guilt and Shame: Fearing and feeling ridiculous amounts of guilt or shame after masturbation but continuing in the behaviour. This cycle of guilt and indulgence is typical in many addictions.
  7. Secrecy: Obsessing to hide the behaviour from everyone around at any cost. It means lying to loved ones, therefore feeling further separated and isolated.
  8. Negative Interness to Relationships: Masturbations may lead to conflicts in your romantic relationships or hinder true relationships with other people.
  9. Physical Urges: Suffering from constant pain or some other form of injury because of excessive masturbation but continues doing so.
  10. Inability to be Intimate: You find it hard to achieve intimacy with a partner or have less satisfaction when engaging in sexual activities with a partner compared to masturbation.
  11. Time Use Pathology: This is an excessive amount of time devoted to masturbation or masturbation-related activities which interfere with other life activities.
  12. Craving and Loss of Control: The behavior is shown as an addiction through repeated failed attempts to stop or reduce masturbation, similar to other types of addiction.

If you have these symptoms in your life, then it may mean that you are addicted to masturbating. It is also worth taking the realisation lightly with much self-compassion; help is not far behind.

Factors that Affect Masturbation Addiction

Several factors can lead to the emergence and sustenance of a masturbation addiction:

  1. Biological Factors: Substances can influence the chemical composition of the brain, and chemicals such as dopamine in the body could lead to dependence on such substances. This tendency to think of anything in terms of reward is a basic contributor to addiction.
  2. Psychological Factors: Mental disorders, personality types, and coping mechanisms may determine the susceptibility levels of an individual towards addiction. Depression, anxiety disorder, ADHD, or personality disorders may lead to the acquisition of compulsive sex behaviours.
  3. Social and Environmental Factors: The social background and attitude toward sexual issues in society, as well as the availability of pornography, can also come into play to play a critical role in masturbation behaviour. Harsh sexual education, or that which leaves a person feeling bad about sexual urges, tends to create unhealthy approaches to masturbation.
  4. Technological Factors: The easy access to pornography and sexual content online creates an environment of masturbation addiction. Anonymity and ease of access on the internet provide easy ground for compulsive sexual behaviours.
  5. Lifestyle: A person might not have social relationships, sit frequently or be under heavy stress. Boredom, loneliness, and purposeless activities are some factors which make the person prone to indulging in masturbation as an activity for their leisure.
  6. Trauma and Abuse: Sometimes, sexual abuse or even other types of traumatic experiences lead the way to compulsive sexual behaviors as a survival mechanism for coping.
  7. Genetic Predisposition: Some works are of the assumption that there is also a genetic predisposition to such addictive behaviours, sexual addiction included.
  8. Cultural and Religious Factors: In some cases, it is guilt and shame in masturbation related to strict religious or cultural values for sexuality, which leads to an addiction-repentance pattern.
  9. Relationship Status: Single and having an unsatisfying relationship. Here, masturbation could be a replacement for other sexual activities where partnered activity is absent. In the latter, tackling issues with the partner would be a relief.
  10. Occupational Factors: Sometimes, high-stress jobs or careers that require long hours of isolation can give rise to masturbation addiction as a stress-relief mechanism.

Understanding these causes would be beneficial in developing a long-term strategy to overcome the addiction. More importantly, masturbation addiction often arises from a complex mix of many factors and conquering it might require an all-around approach incorporating all these aspects.

How to Tell If You’re Addicted to Masturbating

Roughly 63 percent of men and 32 percent of women between the ages of 57 and 64 who are older adults masturbate. If you’re still in doubt over whether or not you’re addicted to masturbating, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Do you feel the urge to masturbate as if you cannot control it?
  2. Has masturbation negatively impacted your relationships, work or school performance?
  3. Have you quit doing things you used to like in favour of masturbation?
  4. Have you tried to cut down or quit masturbation but were unable to do so?
  5. Do you feel guilty or ashamed about masturbating?
  6. Do you masturbate mainly to reduce stress, angry feelings, or bad emotions?
  7. Has it gotten worse with time in terms of either the frequency or how strong the urge to masturbate is?
  8. Have you found yourself daydreaming about masturbation all day?
  9. Do you ever have some kind of physical pain or injury related to masturbation?

Almost 63 percent of male and 32 percent of female elderly females between the ages of 57 and 64 years old masturbate. If you are still in a dilemma as to whether one is addicted or not to masturbation, try asking yourself the following questions:

  1. Do you feel the urge to masturbate like you can’t control it?
  2. Has masturbation negatively impacted your relationships, work or school performance?
  3. Have you ever given up activities you used to enjoy to masturbate?
  4. Have you ever felt that you ought to cut down or stop masturbating, or that you wanted to, or were able to, cut down or stop, but that you just couldn’t stop masturbating?
  5. Do you feel uneasy or guilty about masturbating?
  6. Do you masturbate mainly because you’re feeling stressed, angry, or otherwise terrible?
  7. Worsened. Is your masturbation a problem that has gotten worse over time concerning either how often masturbation occurs or how strong the desire to masturbate has been?
  8. Have you been distracted daydreaming about masturbation all day?
  9. Do you have any kind of physical discomfort or injury related to masturbation?
  10. Do you experience anxiety or hostility because you cannot masturbate?
  11. Have you ever neglected essential hygiene practices or other everyday self-care habits because you are masturbating?
  12. Do you feel that coupled sexual activities are less fulfilling than masturbation?

5 Ways to Stop Masturbation Addiction

If you suffer from masturbation addiction, choose one of the five productive ways to get rid of it finally:

1. Recognize Triggers

Find when and why you have an uncontrollable urge to masturbate. Once you know your triggers, discover strategies to deal with them or avoid them altogether. Some commonest being:

  • Stress or anxiety
  • Boredom
  • Loneliness
  • Exposure to sexual material
  • Some particular times of the day or places

Keep a log of the urge, the situations that caused it, and how you handled it. This will enable you to track a pattern or fine-tune your management.

2. Find Professional Support

A sex and addiction therapist is beneficial in terms of counselling and treatment. They can help one resolve underlying causes and find ways to handle situations well. Professional support can encompass:

  • Cognitive behavioural therapy, changes in thinking patterns and behaviours
  • Psychodynamic therapy for the unconscious motivation
  • Sex therapy for sexual disorders or dysfunction
  • Group therapy or support groups to complement peer socialisation
  • Sobriety does not equal weakness. Most often, people find professional help especially helpful in staying sober.

3. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness can help you pay closer attention to your desires and behaviours without acting upon them. This can include mindfulness meditation, sitting meditation, and others:

  • Meditation: Daily practice may create a better sense and control of thoughts and impulses in you.
  • Deep breathing techniques: They aid in relief from the stress and anxiety that often break into compulsive behaviours.
  • Technique for body scans: It involves concentrating on every part of your body in rotation. This could help you stay anchored in the present moment, making the power of urges less likely to gain control over you.
  • Urge surfing: This is the skill of surfing your urges. You watch them build and break, letting them ride their wave without acting.

Consistent usage of these skills could make you even more self-controlling and even decrease the power of your addictive urges.

4. In Develop Healthy Habits

Exercise regularly, eat a well-balanced diet, and get a good night’s sleep. Such habits help stable mood levels and prevent stress, two very common progenitors of addiction. Consider:

  • Develop an exercise routine
  • Sleep hygiene practices
  • Nutrient-rich, balanced diet
  • Do what you love
  • Spend your time outdoors
  • Reduce alcohol and drugs, which raise inhibitions and result in addictive actions.

Focusing on overall health and well-being will make the temptation of masturbation as a stress reliever much smaller.

5. Build a Support System

Reaching out to a trusted friend or family member or joining a support group for people dealing with similar issues could be very helpful. Having an excellent support system will work wonders in helping one overcome addiction. This could include:

  • Telling a close friend or family member about struggles
  • Participate in a form of support group such as Sex Addicts Anonymous
  • Identify an accountability partner who can motivate you to continue healing
  • Engage in activities of communities or volunteer. This will keep you busy by building new and positive relationships.
  • Overcoming shame and secrecy in recovery can result in relief and a strengthened will to continue recovery.

Recovery from addiction to masturbation involves a lot of patience and persistence. Do not give up on the experience of setbacks; such moments come with recovery. Appreciate small victories and progress rather than aiming for perfection.

How BlockP Can Help Stop Masturbation Addiction

BlockP is the most effective app that helps filter porn from your Android phone, providing you with tools to maintain a healthier lifestyle and regain control over your digital environment. It’s built specifically for those struggling with compulsive behaviors, helping families, kids, and individuals create a safe browsing experience by blocking adult content.

Let’s explore how BlockP can aid in managing masturbation addiction through its comprehensive blocking features and support mechanisms.

1. Porn Blocker: Protect Yourself from Explicit Content

One of the core functionalities of BlockP is its Porn Blocker. This tool can block millions of adult websites, images, and videos across browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Opera. Here’s how it works:

  • Filters at the Network Level: It acts as a firewall, ensuring that adult content cannot be accessed on your device.
  • Blocks on Platforms: Filters content on platforms like YouTube and Reddit, which often contain indirect access to triggering content.
  • SafeSearch Enforcement: Automatically enables SafeSearch on Google and Bing to prevent adult results from appearing during searches.

2. App Blocker: Stay Focused and Distraction-Free

Distractions can lead to losing focus and possibly re-engaging behaviors you want to avoid. The App Blocker feature of BlockP is here to help:

  • Block Distracting Apps: Prevent access to apps that may be triggering or distracting, such as social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook.
  • Manage Time Spent on Apps: Limit screen time or usage for specific applications, ensuring you remain focused and productive.

3. Website Blocker: Customizable Blocking of Specific Sites

Have specific sites that you want to block? The Website Blocker feature allows you to add URLs to the blocklist, providing a layer of protection tailored to your needs.

  • Block Custom Websites: Add any website you find harmful or distracting to the list, even if it’s not adult content.
  • Gamification Elements: Rewards such as badges are given when you adhere to the blocklist for extended periods, boosting your motivation.

4. Password Protection: Strengthen Your Willpower

Sometimes willpower needs a helping hand. With BlockP’s Password Protection feature, you can involve an accountability partner in your recovery process:

  • Accountability Partner Integration: Share your password with a trusted friend or family member, who will help manage the app settings.
  • Uninstall Notification: In the event of trying to remove BlockP, your accountability partner will be notified immediately.

5. Meditation to Reduce Urges: Calm the Mind and Control the Body

When the urge hits, managing it can be challenging. BlockP integrates meditation features to help you curb your desires and regain control over your impulses.

  • Guided Meditation Sessions: Pre-designed meditation sessions focus on calming the mind and redirecting thoughts.
  • Focus on Breathing Techniques: Specific exercises to reduce anxiety and help you stay composed during moments of weakness.

6. Focus Mode: Be More Productive and Avoid Idle Time

Idle time can sometimes lead to unwanted behavior. BlockP’s Focus Mode ensures that you remain productive and engaged:

  • Prevent Device Usage: Set specific time intervals when you won’t be able to use the device, allowing you to concentrate on your work.
  • Focus Timer: Use the timer feature to track your focus sessions and boost productivity.

7. Uninstall Notification: Accountability and Reinforcement

It’s not uncommon for individuals to try uninstalling apps like BlockP during times of heightened urges. This is where the Uninstall Notification feature comes in:

  • Immediate Alerts: Your accountability partner will get notified instantly if you attempt to remove the app.
  • Encouragement and Guidance: This feature opens the door for open conversations and extra support during tough moments.

8. Community Support: Connect and Share with Like-Minded Individuals

Having a support system can greatly aid in recovery. The BlockP app has a thriving community where you can connect with others facing similar challenges:

  • Anonymous Forums: Share your story or read experiences without revealing your identity.
  • Find Accountability Partners: Connect with people who can help monitor your progress and offer motivation.

9. AI Blocker: Intelligent and Dynamic Content Blocking

The AI Blocker uses advanced algorithms to detect and block adult content more efficiently:

  • Machine Learning-Based Detection: Identifies patterns in images and videos that are suggestive, even if not explicitly pornographic.
  • Real-Time Analysis: Blocks content as it loads, ensuring you’re protected across all apps and websites.

10. Instant Support: Get Help When You Need It

If you ever face issues or need additional support, BlockP offers instant assistance:

  • Customer Support for Technical Issues: Whether it’s app-related problems or general inquiries, the support team is available to assist.
  • Access to Emergency Resources: During times of acute distress, find links to helplines and professional services.

BlockP is designed to be a comprehensive solution for those seeking to overcome masturbation addiction by blocking access to harmful content and providing tools to strengthen willpower and build healthier habits.

With features like Porn Blocker, App Blocker, and Meditation to Reduce Urges, it goes beyond just a blocker app to become a true companion in your journey to recovery. BlockP can be your ally in the fight against addiction, helping you lead a more focused and fulfilling life.

FAQs on Why Am I Addicted To Masturbating

1. Why Is Masturbation So Addictive?

Based on several reasons, masturbation can become a severe addiction.

  • Neurochemical Response: Masturbation may stimulate the brain’s release of dopamine and other feel-good chemicals. The sensory experience of pleasure may induce a reward cycle that leads to compulsive behaviour.
  • Stress Relief: For many, it is an outlet for stress or negative emotions toward the performance, reinforcing the behaviour.
  • Ease of Access: Masturbation is much easier to access and does not require any external substances or resource-intensive activities.
  • Connection to Pornography: When masturbating with the help of pornography, it increases the potential for addiction since porn creates new and intense stimuli.
  • Emotional Regulation: For some people, masturbation may be used to regulate their emotions or to escape from uncomfortable feelings.

Knowing these can help to overcome the root cause of addiction towards masturbation.

2. Why am I addicted to jerking off?

If you are addicted to masturbation or “jerking off,” then there can be several reasons for it:

  1. Coping Mechanism: You might be masturbating as a coping method to deal with stress, anxiety, or other negative emotions.
  2. Pattern Development: Masturbation becomes a pattern associated with particular times and situations.
  3. Hormonal Response: Sex hormones at a greater level in the adolescents and early twenties result in more sexual urges.
  4. Psychological Cause: Depression and other psychological disabilities may trigger the compulsive necessity to masturbate.
  5. Relationship Problem: Friction in relationships and fear of intimacy may be another reason why someone over-masturbated due to an inability to have sex with their partner.
  6. Boredom or Isolation: Masturbation can be a way to pass the time or relieve a subjective sense of isolation.

It helps in dealing with its causes so that addiction can be treated. In case you feel that you have some bad habits, do not hesitate to get hold of a mental health professional who treats sexual disorders and seek help from them.

3. Can one become addicted to masturbation?

Yes, it is a fact that one can get addicted to masturbation. While masturbation remains a normal and healthy activity for most, it sometimes turns into a problem when it starts interfering with daily life or relationships at large or well-being. Some of the very indicative signs that masturbation has turned into a sort of addiction include Loss of control: The person cannot reduce masturbation frequency despite the desire to do so.

  1. Interference with Life: Masturbation intrudes upon work, school, relationships, or other key areas of life.
  2. Increasing Quantity/Treatment: Needing to masturbate more often and in more dramatically charged ways to get the same feelings.
  3. Symptoms of Withdrawal: Irritability, anxiety, or restlessness when unable to masturbate.
  4. Compulsive Occupation: Putting an excessive amount of time into thinking about or planning to masturbate.
  5. Continued Behavior Despite Negative Consequences: Continuing to masturbate excessively even though it results in physical pains or relationship issues.

If you are among those who are bothered by their masturbation habit, get professional help. The sexual health therapist or counsellor will walk you through the steps of handling this problem.

4. How long will it take to be cured of masturbation addiction?

The duration to recover from masturbation addiction differs highly from one to another. It cannot be set within a timeframe since recovery depends on several factors, such as:

  1. Addiction Severity: Usually, more embedded habits would take more time.
  2. Origin Causes: Recovery time may increase in trauma or mental illness cases.
  3. Support System: Support from family, friends, or professionals can enhance the time it takes to recover.
  4. Commitment to Change: Your commitment to overcome the addiction is often a determining factor in the timeline for recovery.
  5. Treatment Approach: The effectiveness of the applied treatment method may determine how long one takes to recover.
  6. Individual Differences: Every process is unique; therefore, what may fast-track for one individual may take longer for another.

Generally, real improvements may often be observed within 3-6 months of time and consistent effort, but full recovery may take more than a year. You have to remember that you should focus on progress rather than a specific timeline and be patient with yourself when you are recovering.

5. Is masturbation addiction precisely the same as porn addiction?

While masturbation addiction and porn addiction are often related, they are not the same:

  1. Masturbation Addiction: This is compulsive sexual activity with masturbation, with or without pornography.
  2. Porn Addiction: This is a description of compulsive porn viewing, sometimes including masturbation.

However, these often coexist and feed into each other. Many masturbation addiction sufferers also suffer from pornography addiction, for pornography can be a stimulus for masturbation.

Some differences are:

  • Masturbation addiction can occur independently of pornography but also using only fantasies or other stimuli.
  • Porn addiction involves compulsive viewing, but the person doesn’t masturbate every time.
  • The causes and risk factors are usually quite different for the two conditions.

Treatment of both kinds of addiction usually has a lot in common, focusing on matters of recovery, healing, forming healthy coping mechanisms and acquiring learning skills on the way out of the urge to give into that addiction. You might want to go for therapy from a professional who deals with sexual health and addiction if you are suffering from this or that type of addiction.


In case you find yourself asking, “Why am I addicted to masturbation?” do not worry because there are quite many people who suffer from this kind of challenge, and there is, therefore, always hope. Understanding an addiction to masturbation, identifying signs, and the steps towards recovery are just the beginning. Remember that with proper support and resources, one can break free from this addiction and lead a healthier life. You can use any tools, such as BlockP, seek professional help, or a combination of approaches, but the journey to recovery is always possible. Be patient with yourself, celebrate small victories, and remember that getting help is considered a sign of strength, not weakness.


  • Meghna

    Meghana is a content creator specializing in enhancing online visibility and reader engagement. With a strong background in SEO, Meghana crafts content that effectively improves search rankings and captivates audiences. Outside of work, Meghana enjoys exploring new places, watching films, and discovering fresh music.

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