Does Masturbation Affect Height Growth- Facts and Myths

Does Masturbation Affect Height Growth- Facts and Myths

Many myths are coming up in society when it comes to the topic of masturbation, most of which are not at all true. Some of the most popular ones are that masturbation causes blindness, hair loss, and a decrease in height. Majority of these myths are false, yet they continue. Why? Because the subject of masturbation is often spoken about in shame, guilt, and secrecy. In other words, it is a taboo topic which is not spoken about. In this article, we will be talking about the myth “Does masturbation affect height growth?” and also discussing the benefits of masturbation. What is Masturbation? Masturbation occurs when an individual stimulates the genitals, or other parts of your body, for pleasure. Many people get feelings of shame and guilt about masturbating, often due to spiritual or cultural sentiments. But masturbation is a completely healthy and normal activity. Despite the several misconceptions about masturbation, there are no dangerous side effects of masturbation. Sometimes, extreme or compulsive masturbation may be regarded as harmful or lead to some mental health problems. Masturbation if done in moderation is a good way to explore your body and your sexual feelings without the intricacies that can come when you engage in sexual activity with a partner. Masturbation cannot cause pregnancy or a sexually transmitted disease either. Does masturbation stunt growth? Read on to find out. Does masturbation increase height? The myth that masturbation can increase your height is just that—a myth. Science has revealed that masturbation does not affect height, growth, or general physical development. Height is mainly influenced by genetics and other aspects such as diet, exercise, and lifestyle. Masturbation is a natural human activity that does not hinder growth-related hormones or processes. By comprehending the science and dispelling myths, people can concentrate on developing healthy habits that lead to growth. Some people believe that masturbating boosts testosterone, so your height increases more during puberty. But does masturbation increase height? Studies have shown masturbation has minimal effect on testosterone production in the long run. Even if masturbating does increase testosterone, it would not be enough to make you taller than your normal height capacity. Your height is mostly determined by genetics, nourishment, and hormones before puberty starts. Masturbating does not change these factors. Does Masturbation decrease height? No, it does not decrease your height. Experts have discovered that masturbation does not make an individual shorter. More particularly, masturbation does not hinder a person’s growth hormones in any way. Therefore, the misconception that masturbation stunts growth is an untrue myth. In males, height is determined by testosterone released during puberty. There is minimal evidence that masturbating influences testosterone release, so that is the answer to “Does masturbating decrease height?” Masturbation Benefits Masturbation is a normal and basic sexual urge in humans and should be done without hesitation. If done in moderation, it promotes: A healthy lifestyle Relieves stress Improves sleep quality Produces different “feel-good” chemicals that help in relieving stress and anxiety, such as: Endorphins Dopamine Oxytocin  Masturbation delivers more than just orgasms. Most specialists indicate that it has health benefits that your body will enjoy in the long run. Benefits of female masturbation Reduce menstrual cramps There is proof that masturbation could help in relieving period cramps. Endorphins, produced during arousal, are hormones with stress-busting effects. These neurotransmitters can deliver pain relief during periods.  Also, some professionals believe uterine contractions help menstrual fluids leave the body faster, relieving cramps. Better skin Studies are being performed to monitor how sexual arousal impacts hormone levels in females. It was seen that orgasms improve the body’s estrogen levels. Low estrogen levels have been linked to thinner skin, lesser elasticity, and wrinkling. Further, masturbation can create a glow after an orgasm. Boosts libido Masturbation can also increase your libido. The more you are aroused, the more it stays in line with your sexual desires. Masturbation is the right approach to exploring with your body. Women usually do not have orgasms with penetration. This might lead to dissatisfaction. Masturbation is a great way to increase your sexual desire and reach climax during intercourse. Benefits of male masturbation 1. Enhances sperm motility Masturbation has been demonstrated in several attempts to increase sperm motility. Masturbation before intercourse discharges leftover sperm. This leads to the production of fresh and better sperm, increasing the odds of pregnancy. Read this article on Does Masturbation Cause Low Sperm Count, Quality, and Volume? 2. Manages premature ejaculation Sex specialists around the world have noticed that men who undergo premature ejaculation during sexual intercourse might benefit from masturbating almost two hours before sex. This enables them to have longer intercourse before another ejaculation. 3. Fights depression Depression in men is deemed taboo just like masturbation in women. People do not speak about it, owing to a lack of knowledge. Masturbation increases the production of feel-good hormones, which help enhance one’s mood. General benefits of masturbation Better sleep quality Masturbation is an energy-consuming activity. You need a lot of energy, which makes you get tired. Following masturbation, the body goes through several physiological changes. When you are at the peak, releasing the energy leaves you drained and worked up. Hence, you get a better, undisturbed sleep. Assures your sexuality One of the benefits of masturbation is that it helps in confirming one’s sexuality. The same is promoted because of the thoughts that one has when considering masturbation. Masturbation can help improve self-confidence and self-esteem when it comes to sexual preferences. Side Effects of Masturbation Daily Now that you know that the answer to “Does masturbation stunt growth?” is no, here are the actual side effects of masturbating excessively – You will not have any damaging physical side effects from masturbating. However extreme masturbation can have side effects and may also impact your personal life. Side effects of masturbation daily in men Guilt feelings– It could be possible that if you are masturbating every day, at some point, you may start feeling guilty that you’re breaking your own religious beliefs. However,