
How to Stop Watching Porn? 12 Effective Ways

How to Stop Watching Porn 12 Effective Ways

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Several people are developing addictions to pornography and drugs. We have the internet readily available, providing greater freedom and independence in what we search for. It is shocking to know that one of the strongest addictions is pornography.

According to findings, around 5% to 8% of the adult population worldwide are victims of porn addiction. Approximately 11 to 12 hours a week is being consumed by porn.  This type of addiction can damage relationships and disrupt day-to-day activities.

How to Quit Porn Addiction

Porn addicts are not bad people. Their actions are controlled by a chemical process, and when they think about what they’ve done, they often feel agitated and disgusted with themselves. This can make them feel even more guilty and ashamed, making it harder for them to get better. So how to stop watching porn? This article will give you 12 ways on how to overcome porn addiction. Start making small changes in your life and you will see a big difference.

Effects of Porn Addiction

1. Isolation and loneliness

When people watch porn excessively they feel guilty. Viewers generally watch alone and they become used to spending their time in isolation. Eventually, as time goes on, they spend a lot of time by themselves watching porn which increases loneliness.

2. Confusions of Sexuality

Most of what we watch online displayed in pornography is unrealistic. There are even videos that promote abuse. Spending time watching these degrading visuals of sex and sexuality can impact a real connection and interfere with your loving relationship.

3. Relationship Issues

Because of these perceptions, you may want to change things in your relationship and will never gain the satisfaction you once had. It can lead to disagreements, trust issues and in overall damage your relationship.

4. Neglecting Daily Activities

The more time you spend watching porn, the lesser time you will be spending with your family and friends. You will start neglecting the things you once loved doing. Financial issues can arise if you are avoiding responsibilities at work.

5. Depression and Anxiety

A study discovered that porn consumption increased the chance of depression in adults. It can be a vicious cycle. Individuals who watch extreme amounts of porn sometimes use it as a coping method. Anxiety and depression are some underlying mental health issues that can influence how porn is linked to life satisfaction.

Signs of Porn Addiction

An individual who has an uncontrollable urge to watch porn at any time and anywhere, even when it might not be appropriate, are likely to have a porn addiction.

1. Extreme Cravings

Viewing porn can stimulate dopamine that makes you feel good due to which you may find yourself craving porn when you are stressed, depressed or bored.

2. No Interest in Other Activities

Someone with a porn addiction tends to ignore other activities so that they can spend time watching porn. They neglect their daily activities like going to work and completing their daily duties.

3. Decreasing Satisfaction

The more dependent your mind becomes on porn, the more of it is required to fulfil its intended effects. They may try to explore and start watching extreme and disturbing pornography for arousal.

4. Physical Pain

Porn addiction is not only a mental health condition, it can also induce physical pain. Due to excessive masturbation by watching porn, they begin to experience wrist pain or even discomfort around their genitals.

5. Aggressive Behaviour

Aggressiveness and irritation are also side effects of addiction. when someone craves a dopamine hit, but cannot get it. People who suffer from porn addiction tend to get angry when they can’t watch porn and show their frustration to their partner or at work.

How to Stop Watching Porn – 12 Effective Ways

Causes for porn addiction include emotional trauma, relationship issues, escape, stress and other biological factors. Those with pornography addiction can benefit from managing other issues, such as relationship troubles, mental trauma or depression.

Now to answer your question on how to quit porn – below are 12 effective ways that can help you say goodbye to porn addiction.

1. Understand the Problem

Do you find yourself experiencing more than one sign of porn addiction mentioned above? You need not worry as you can lead a better porn-free life with some willpower. How to overcome porn addiction?

Start by understanding yourself and write down reasons to quit porn. Keep yourself motivated by self-compassion which enables a positive perspective on yourself and the recovery process.

2. Join a support group

A support group helps you throughout your journey to recovery where you can share your stories and struggles. It provides a safe and judgement-free space where you realize that you are not alone.

3. Talk to a therapist

Therapy is ideal for anyone struggling with any kind of addiction or other mental health disorders. It can help individuals determine the root cause of their addiction and develop new strategies. Group therapy is also beneficial to process traumas and build relationships that address their porn addiction.

4. Engage in a new hobby

When you start spending all your time on porn, you stop enjoying the hobbies you once used to love. Watching porn itself becomes a daily hobby that can lead to several problems in your life. Try reading a book, or engaging in a sport you are interested in and cultivate new practices.

5. Block porn on your device

Eliminating access to pornography is a critical step in overcoming porn addiction.  

How to get rid of pornography?

  • Use your phone’s in-built settings – Screen Time for iPhone and Google Play restrictions for Android to block adult content on your device
  • Use a Chrome extension – You can find several Chrome extensions like BlockP which facilitates porn blocking with a single click.
  • Use a porn blocker software – BlockP also comes as an app ready to download on your device. It offers several unique features like real-time content detection, AI Blocking, Password Protection, Focus Mode etc.

Install BlockP on your device today and make the most of its benefits.

Additionally, you can click here if you want to learn how to block porn on your phone permanently.

6. Spend time with your family and friends

Sometimes being around closed ones can help you feel the comfort which you can’t achieve through porn. Spending time with them could be a distraction which will also help you socialize and regain your confidence.

You can also confide in someone you trust about your problem so that they can support you to get rid of porn addiction.

7. Medication for porn addiction

It may be necessary to use medication to overcome a porn addiction. Viewing porn triggers pleasure in your mind and the associated feeling of joy is so great that an individual starts relying on these senses. Several medications could help to balance out this reaction by enhancing the operation of nerve cells.

8. Change your coping mechanism

Porn has become your coping mechanism when you feel anxious or depressed. Replacing it with activities such as meditation or finding new interests can help you lead a better lifestyle. Taking up a new hobby or playing video games can be beneficial alternatives to watching pornography when you’re bored.

9. Cognitive Based Therapy (CBT)

CBT uses guided self-observation assignments which lead to the path of recovery. These assessments challenge a person’s beliefs and help them understand thoughts and feelings. They are also used to help people develop problem-solving skills and learn to manage their own emotions.

10. Motivate yourself to Quit Porn

While every individual has their own goal for quitting porn, the most common are regaining control, improving overall health and maintaining healthier relationships.

By recognizing the negative effects of porn addiction and with the desire for individual growth and a fulfilling life, one can find the motivation required to embark on the journey of self-improvement.

11. Deal with Setbacks

Breaking a habit can be a difficult journey, and there are chances that you may stumble now and then. Instead of dwelling upon that, keep exploring different coping mechanisms or habits that work best for you. Try different strategies and don’t feel demotivated because of one lapse.

12. Nurture Your Sex Life

Once you permanently decide to quit porn, it provides a chance to explore and develop better sexual relationships. Honesty with partners can promote intimacy, trust, and a deeper connection.It’s essential to seek consent, give regard to boundaries, and uncover shared desires to enhance the passionate experience.


Now that you know how to quit porn addiction, you can begin your recovery journey by recognising triggers and implementing the strategies mentioned above.

Addressing any underlying disorders and learning about healthy sexual practices through sex education can aid in preventing a relapse.

Just knowing how to overcome porn addiction is not enough. With some willpower, dedication and support, start by taking a step into a healthier, more fulfilled life.

FAQs on How to Stop Watching Porn?

1] How to stop looking at bad things on the internet?

There is an extensive range of information you can find on the internet including a few harmful content like adult websites, gambling and drugs. To prevent yourself from coming across such websites you can enable restrictions on your phone or use a blocker software like BlockP that can block customized URLs and keywords.

2] How can I tell if I’m addicted to porn?

Some of the common telltale signs are excessive time spent on porn, relationship problems, financial instability, irritability etc. It’s important to recognize these signs and take measures to overcome an addiction

3] Can blocking porn websites help?

Porn blockers are one of the most effective ways to get rid of pornography. BlockP is a fully secure porn blocker that can help you in your journey of self-recovery.

4] How to avoid pornography using BlockP?

BlockP is the best porn blocker which uses a strong web filter to block porn websites and control your online activity. Additionally, there is a feature to block apps as well so that you can entirely stay away from distractions on your device.

It is available on both iPhone and Android

Step 1: Install the BlockP app from the Google Play Store or App Store.

Step 2: Sign in with your Google account and enable Accessibility Service

Step 3: Add custom URLs and keywords to the blacklist. Discover the unique features of BlockP like custom filtering, password protection, prevent uninstall, focus mode and many more by downloading it to your device

Step 4: Turn the blocker on and enjoy a safe and healthy browsing experience.


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