

Why Do You Feel Hornier After Not Masturbating for a While

Why Do You Feel Hornier After Not Masturbating for a While?

Alex was a marketing executive aged 28 years. He had never been in such a situation as that sunny Tuesday afternoon. For the past weeks, he had abstained from masturbation with the hope of increasing his productivity and focus at work. But with the days going by, Alex noticed something strange: his sexual desires were becoming stronger with each passing day. He was getting distracted, and his thoughts often drifted to vivid fantasies. He asked, “Why do you feel hornier after not masturbating for a while?” Alex asked his body how it worked and reacted as he discovered why this had to be. He always asks what happens if you stop ejaculating. And if a male can release sperm without the event of ejaculation. This becomes imperative if he learns and figures out why developments in him need to be addressed and managed. The Science of Libido and Sexual Desire First and foremost, libido is the biological and psychological desire for sexual activity. The beautiful game of hormones, the brain’s reward system, and emotional states all fuel it. All these together form a core part of human nature. The Role of Key Hormones: Testosterone, Dopamine, and Oxytocin Thus, an increase in sex or masturbation increases the amounts of these hormones, inducing feelings of bonding and pleasure that are strongly experienced.  In the case of testosterone, it is said that it controls our sex drive, with high levels appearing to be higher arousal. When we abstain, the balance shifts. In some men, testosterone levels may be slightly elevated because the body is building sexual energy. These heightened testosterone levels often also cause a pronounced rise in libido a few days after no release has occurred. The Biological Cycle of Sexual Desire Interestingly, humans and males have cyclical patterns of libido. For men, this may be tied to a hormonal cycle, such as when testosterone is produced, psychological states, and physical conditions. The natural cyclical pattern can be disrupted by abstinence and may lead the body to increase desire in an attempt to encourage release. Physiological Responses During Abstinence Physiologically, what happens when you stop masturbating? Alex discovered that besides the psychological or emotional changes, his body was undergoing the physiological impact of the lack of release. 1. Hormonal Buildup and Its Effects Hormonal imbalances arise due to rare ejaculation. The brain does not produce the “reward” chemicals during climax, as a result of which this imbalance causes mood swings. People experience high awareness of sexual stimuli and the sudden urge to obtain that rush of dopamine. 2. Spontaneous Release – The Role of “Wet Dreams” Nocturnal emission, also termed “wet dreams,” is a natural response by the body in case a long period is being used without sexual intercourse. It will store the semen but without conscious ejaculation. Therefore, if this semen happens to be released while in sleep, without any form of conscious ejaculation, that means the body is still having its sexual well-being maintained. 3. Pelvic Congestion Syndrome During long periods of abstinence, some men develop a condition called pelvic congestion syndrome. Because seminal fluid continues to collect, it may cause aches or even mild pain in the pelvic region, which the body responds to as the need for sexual outflow. This can be a major contributing factor to increased arousal and might motivate someone to resume their sexual activity. Psychological Factors Influencing Desire The brain exaggerates the desire at the time of abstinence. Psychological factors often exaggerate this effect. 1. The Anticipation and “Forbidden Fruit” Effect Avoiding masturbation psychologically creates an attitude of anticipation and often builds arousal. In some cases, the “forbidden fruit” effect is experienced; what is forbidden is even more appealing. This anticipation condition can intensify the experience and make eventual release all the more delightful. 2. Mental Focus and the Brain’s Response to Abstinence During abstinence, sexual thoughts are going to become more frequent, especially if the person has a great imagination. The brain starts becoming more sensitive to stimuli that might have previously passed unnoticed without regular release; in this case, the interpretation of various cues is as sexually relevant. This results in a heightened arousal, which is hard to ignore. 3. Link to Dopamine and Reward Pathways Sexual activity unlocks dopamine, our brain’s “feel-good” chemical, which also features a role in motivation and reward. Without the dopamine release, desire may enhance due to anticipation of getting the next fix as this cycle drives fantasies and even more explicit urges. Reasons for Heightened Horniness After Abstinence Alex listed a few tangible reasons why one might feel hornier after finishing a masturbation break. The association of increased libido in both men and women is often associated with higher levels of testosterone. Studies have proven that sexual urge contributes to higher levels of testosterone. Here are the three major factors in a closer look: Hormonal Changes: Abstinence may cause testosterone levels to rise, leading the individual to have more desire for sex. The hormone makes the individual react in more ways to sexual needs. Physical Urges and Body Signals: When an individual feels pressure caused by fluid accumulation or pelvic discomfort, his urge to release increases. Psychological Conditioning: This also entails a synergism through the psychological conditioning involved in foreplay, which is possibly reinforced in part through the so-called “forbidden fruit.”  Once compounded, it would seem to be greater and more intense, somehow and in some respects, as if everything is more. That should provide a satisfactory explanation for achieving balance through sexuality, which can be potentially overwhelming. Navigating Heightened Arousal and Finding Balance It’s helpful to acknowledge natural cycles and practice self-discipline to maintain balance. With differing impacts throughout the menstrual cycle, estrogen and progesterone also regulate women’s sexual desire. For example, some research indicates that women may feel more sexually inclined around ovulation when estrogen levels are at their highest. Alex found that embracing a healthier relationship with his sexual needs required a few simple, consistent strategies: Understanding Your Cycles: Recognize that

What is Masturbation Addiction Treatment, Symptoms and Causes

What is Masturbation Addiction: Treatment, Symptoms and Causes

Masturbation is a natural and healthy part of life for both men and women, but it tends to have a negative perception and is considered a taboo topic. However, masturbation needs to be discussed, as it helps normalize it and make it a part of sexual education. Masturbation addiction is commonly seen in individuals because of the pleasurable feelings it provides. It usually occurs when a person no longer has control over their urges to masturbate and, consequently, compulsively engages in the behaviour. This can cause disruptions in everyday life and damage relationships. Studies have discovered that among adolescents aged 14–17 years, around 74% of males and 48% of females engage in masturbation. What is Masturbation Addiction? The term masturbation addiction is used to refer to an urge to excessively masturbate. While masturbation addiction isn’t a clinical disease, someone can suffer symptoms such as fatigue, anxiety, depression and many more if they masturbate too much. Here are some scenarios that indicate masturbation addiction Masturbating takes up a lot of your time during the day Your career and personal life are suffering because of excessive masturbation. You don’t feel like attending social events anymore and prefer to isolate yourself. You masturbate in an inappropriate place because you can’t control your urge till you are alone You treat it as an escape from your feelings such as anxiety, stress, or sadness You feel guilty for watching porn and masturbating. Masturbation is all you think about. Types of Masturbation Addiction Masturbation addiction can be of different types depending on frequency, intensity, and influence on daily life : Some of the common types are:- 1] Chronic Masturbation It is an actual issue that many individuals face, and because it is such a taboo topic, people struggle to seek help. People who engage in chronic masturbation masturbate at certain times of the day according to a particular schedule. They may need a specific place or situation for them to engage in this behaviour, which can be a reaction to an emotional or environmental trigger. 2] Excessive Masturbation Excessive masturbation refers to masturbating much more than a healthy amount. This could mean multiple sessions lasting for several hours, to the point where it hinders daily activities and mental health. 3] Binge Masturbation Binge masturbation is known as intense masturbation that occurs frequently over a short duration of time, often initiated by stress, loneliness, or other emotional aspects. Binge sessions can go on for hours leaving the person feeling drained and guilty. These types of masturbation addiction often co-occur, and someone may experience them at different times. Addressing these issues often involves recognizing causes, and triggers, and sometimes seeking the help you need to establish a healthier relationship. Signs and Symptoms of Masturbation Addiction Here is an example of an experience of a 19-year single boy who overcame masturbation addiction – He was facing many issues in his personal life which led to anxiety. This led to him watching porn and masturbating. He never realized how or when it got out of hand. His relationship with his close friends and family was damaged. He found himself isolating himself more often while staying home and masturbating throughout the day. Whenever he tried to speak to women, he couldn’t stop the feelings of guilt from watching porn and masturbating the night before. Who once used to top the class started failing in several subjects. He found himself zoning out many times during his focus hours. Masturbation became a coping mechanism for all of his issues, big or small. His mind was always filled with thoughts of sex, masturbation and porn even while doing something important. These are some of the tell-tale symptoms of masturbation addiction. It is not too late to recognize the signs and get help. According to a study by the International Society of Sexual Medicine, masturbation is more observed than sexual activity, What are the Causes of Masturbation Addiction? Doctors haven’t determined the exact causes of masturbation addiction, but research indicates that it could be related to other mental health disorders, including depression, anxiety, impulse control and bipolar disorders. One study discovered that as many as 72% of people who suffer from sex-related addiction also have a mood disorder, while 38% have an anxiety disorder.    Some of the common causes of masturbation addiction are – underlying mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, and body dysmorphic disorder Trauma from the past A need to escape stress or difficult emotions A lack of healthy coping mechanisms or unhealthy ideas of sex.  Some individuals may masturbate to replace feelings created by loneliness and boredom.  As with any kind of addiction, it is necessary to comprehend the underlying reasons so that they can be addressed and the addiction is better managed. How is Masturbation Addiction Diagnosed? Masturbation addiction can have a detrimental effect on a person’s life. It is better to recognize the signs early and get help. How do you know if you have a masturbation addiction? Here are some ways to recognize if you are suffering from masturbation addiction – Physical Effects: Weakness in bones, fatigue, dark circles, lower immunity, dizziness. Sexual Health: Premature ejaculation, genital discomfort, STIs, infertility, no sexual pleasure. Mental effects: Brain fog, memory problems, anger issues, irrational thoughts. Social effects: Social isolation, decreased self-esteem, weakened self-identity To understand the causes of masturbation addiction you can read this article on “Why am I addicted to masturbating?” How To Get Rid Of Masturbation Addiction? It can get really difficult to go from masturbating almost every day to not doing it at all. It helps to first begin with baby steps. And even these initial stages can take a long time and be difficult to achieve. Set up smaller goals and work your way up from there. Whenever you feel the urge to masturbate then try out these tips to help masturbation addiction which can help you by distracting your mind and helping in focus on other things: 1] Spend time productively – It is essential

Does Edging Affect Muscle Growth

Does Edging Affect Muscle Growth?

People looking for the best results in fitness and muscle building often look for different techniques and practices that can help them achieve maximum results. One such practice is the phenomenon known as “edging.” Edging, also known as “cock-teasing,” is a technique where the individual teases themselves to the point of almost reaching orgasm without climaxing. Although it brings about enhanced sexual gratification and increased experiences, the following question is all too relevant: Does edging affect muscle growth? We are going to explore the implications of edging for building muscle, performing during training, and developing fitness in general. We will discuss the principles involved in muscle growth and edging science and explore most of the myths and fallacies surrounding the topic. Muscle Growth What Causes Muscle Growth? Muscular Bulking: Firstly, to effectively grade how well edging would facilitate the development of muscular bulking, it should be known how muscle growth even works. Muscle bulking, or hypertrophy in simpler terms, is precisely body muscle growth as your response to stress in your system, which primarily mediates through exercise such as resistance training, followed closely by other processes. Resistance Training: The growth-based stimulus is provided through resistance exercise, which strengthens a particular muscle by requiring it to work against some degree of resistance, thereby moving weights. The resulting micro-tears in muscle fibres due to the application of mechanical tension result in the body’s efforts in stitching the fibres and increasing muscle mass. Protein Synthesis: Muscle tissue repair and building depend on the equilibrium between protein synthesis and degradation. The body requires good-quality protein in appropriate amounts to grow muscle. Hormonal Factors: Hormones are also critically important for regulating muscle growth and recovery. Some of the primary hormones that regulate muscle growth and recovery include: Testosterone: causes the synthesis of proteins and forms the muscles. Growth Hormones: These increase growth and metabolism and repair muscles. IGF-1: mediates functions by growth hormones and increases the growth of muscle cells. What Role Does a Hormone Play in Muscle Mass Building? Muscle building requires hormonal balance. The more anabolic hormones in the body, the better the synthesis of muscle proteins. On the contrary, the higher the levels of catabolic hormones in the body, like cortisol, the worse the synthesis of muscle proteins would be. All these things come under the broad category of optimal hormone levels, which would ideally lead to muscle growth. What is Edging? Edging is a process in which one approaches orgasm, but just before reaching orgasm, they restrain themselves, then repeat that process several times and eventually allow orgasm. In every way, this act proves to be helpful to heighten the sexual feeling of pleasure or increase stamina as it prolongs sexual intercourse. The Physiology of Edging Sexual arousal causes many physiological effects, including high pulse and blood flow to some parts of the genitals, except the discharge of some hormones. So, edging might enhance the level of sex tension that can cause the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine, which causes an excellent feeling of pleasure. The Science: Does Edging Affect Muscle Growth? The relationship between edging and muscle growth is a very complex topic with limited scientific research. However, we can examine what is currently available and consider potential mechanisms by which edging may or may not affect muscle development. 1. Does Edging Increase Testosterone? One of the most widespread arguments against edging is the boost of testosterone. Testosterone stands out amongst the most important hormones involved in muscle building as it controls the activity of protein synthesis, all types of recovery, and an anabolic environment. Temporary Testosterone Boost: The researcher ran one experiment in which a man’s testosterone levels, at minimum, became far greater after 30 minutes than those without edging. In the short term, at least, edging would definitely appear to increase testosterone levels. Short-term Effects: Though this sounds positive, scientists argue that this peak might lead to the testosterone level going down in the long run; thus, muscle-building advancement could be affected adversely because of the short-term advantage in such conditions. It is still unknown what happens with long-term edging to testosterone levels. 2. Does Edging Affect Muscle Growth Directly? Science literature does not confirm that there is direct muscle growth through edging. Only anecdotally, there are claims that edging might be helpful for muscle development, but it is not scientific proof. Potential Growth: Hormone Release Another theory is that sexual arousal, leading to the edging process, somehow releases growth hormones. Growth hormones stimulate or enhance muscle growth and repair in the body. However, more studies must be initiated to describe the relationship between edging and growth hormone release. Ejaculation and Muscle Growth: No direct correlation has been established between ejaculation or the activity of releasing sperm and muscle growth. Even though this can cause temporary imbalances within the body’s hormones, it does not appear to have any direct impact on muscle growth. 3. The Role of Dopamine Edging also affects dopamine levels, which seem to be associated with pleasure or reward, motivation, etc. Higher dopamine results in better moods and more motivated people, and thus indirectly helps to produce good workout performance and sustain a training program. Its association with muscle growth is still being researched. Scientists hypothesised that dopamine may impact the brain’s assessment of whether a mental job is worthwhile. Under the direction of Dr. Michael Frank of Brown University, the group conducted a number of tests to evaluate dopamine’s function in motivation. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) of the NIH provided some funding for the study. Results were published in Science on March 20, 2020. Myths and Misconceptions 1. Myth: Edging Increases Muscle Growth Reality: There is no scientific evidence that edging can directly cause muscle growth. Although increased short-term levels of testosterone, which some research does elicit, are desirable for building muscle, such effects are not known to persist beyond the short term. Ideal nutrition, resistance exercise, and lifestyle choices are much more influential in building muscles. 2. Myth: Sperm

Is Masturbation Everyday Good or Bad for Your Health

Is Masturbation Everyday Good or Bad for Your Health? Debunking the Myth

Masturbation is an entirely normal part of human sexuality and one of those subjects upon which many people, both healthcare providers and cultural commentators, seem to enjoy expounding. Although it might look like a healthy sexual expression, others fear the impact it will bring. Therefore, this raises a question: is it okay to masturbate everyday? Most people hardly think about the consequences of regular masturbation, so first of all, let’s move into the benefits and drawbacks of daily masturbation. This all-inclusive guide attempts to demystify masturbation’s daily effects and disenfranchise most of the myths that surround this practice. Symptoms of Daily Masturbation People who masturbate regularly may show a variety of symptoms, some of which might be pretty misleading. Ninety percent of participants in a 2020 Indian sex study said they engage in at least one monthly masturbation. Eighty-five percent of those surveyed said they would be interested in trying out sex toys.  In a 2020 study, 90% of the participants agreed that they do masturbate a minimum  once a month. And 85% of participants agreed that they would like to try sex toys. In this regard, let’s take some time to discuss them at length:  Physical Symptoms Hyper Sensitivity: When stimulating, most of the genital parts will undergo hypersensitivity of this part. Mostly, sensitivity brings about pleasurable conditions but may cause discomfort depending on how high one’s stimulation rate is. Soreness or Irritation: Overstimulation can sometimes result in soreness or slight irritation, mainly if there has been a lack of lubrication or the person’s stimulation is too aggressive. Psychological Signs Regret or Remorse: As it is considered a taboo subject for most people on account of cultural beliefs regarding masturbation, it would create remorse or guilt. Relieving Stress: Many individuals believe that it’s an effective tool for relieving tension and anxiety by releasing built-up feelings. Emotional Fluctuations Mood Swings: People may experience emotional fluctuations associated with the sexual lifestyle. One would experience a high after masturbation, but sometimes they end up feeling guilty. Libido Increase: Masturbation would make a person more sexually responsive and active because of the stimulation of the body’s sexual response system. Understanding such symptoms would enable individuals to measure their lifestyles and determine whether they fall within a healthy functioning spectrum. Is it Bad to Masturbate Daily? Is it bad to masturbate daily? This is a sensitive issue. Some received terrible stories concerning their masturbation habits. But most do not regard it as something that could harm. Consider the following key points: Health Research: The general population that masturbates once a day does not face any health problems resulting from this habit. Through research, the benefits of masturbation are reduced risks in men for prostate cancer. Cultural Perspectives: Masturbation is perceived differently among different cultures. From the cultural perspective, a person can acknowledge their thoughts and perceptions about their habits. Side Effects of Masturbation Daily on Health Although most people like masturbation as there is no side effect associated with it, it is still an activity which, if done daily, can have its side effects, particularly when it becomes overdone. Of the 5865 men and women aged 14–94 who participated in the 2009 National Survey of Sexual Health Behaviour (NSSHB), 28% of males aged 70+, 43% of men between 14–15 and 60–69, and almost half of men aged 16–59 reported engaging in solitary masturbation in the previous month. Some physical side effects include: Physical Side Effects Discomfort of the Genital: Overfiction may cause irritation or soreness of the skin. One must undoubtedly listen to one’s body, which sometimes gives signals that need to be stopped for other reasons. Sexual Performance: Given the amount of masturbation, some may develop the feeling that their sexual performance with other people is affected, and they suffer from some problems like delayed ejaculation and, on some occasions, erectile dysfunction. Emotional and Psychological Problems Obsessive Behavior: Masturbation can become a compulsive behaviour for some, and this requires intervention. Anytime one feels that their activities are out of control, it is the best time to seek a mental expert. Withdrawal from Social Life: A person who successfully gets away from the social world more than he derives pleasure by masturbating will soon end up being isolated from the rest of the world. Such behaviour will sooner or later lead them to lose their good being. Balancing Act In a balanced way, this can ensure a healthy relationship with masturbation. Keeping tabs on how often one masturbates, reflecting on emotional response, and overall understanding of one’s boundaries will help in appreciating the benefits without letting the probable downsides of masturbation take over. Benefits of Masturbation on Health Most studies have shown that masturbation is not entirely bad. With knowledge of the benefits, one can pose the question of whether is it okay to masturbate everyday. Here are several well-supported benefits: Physical Health Benefits Increased Sexuality: Masturbation, if done frequently, raises sexuality and sex consciousness. By masturbation, an individual learns the body, hence leading the person to better understanding and expression of their sexual needs. Relieving menstrual cramps: For women, the masturbation act can alleviate menstrual cramps. Orgasm during such activity releases endorphins that soothe some discomfort caused during menstruation. Lower Chances of Prostate Cancer: According to some research, many studies claim that the more frequently men ejaculate – whether due to masturbation or sex – the lesser the chance of having prostate cancer. Mental Benefits Stress Relief: MASTURBATION as stress relief: Masturbation is one effective way of tension relief and stress release. The hormones that come out when an individual has an orgasm can relax the individual and drive away anxiety. Mood Enhancer: Masturbation might activate hormone secretion, such as endorphins and oxytocin, chemicals linked with pleasure and attachment. It can brighten moods and emotional comfort. Better sleep: Relaxation after orgasm might help to enhance sleep quality and make one fall asleep and stay asleep. Self-demand Self-Discovery: Masturbation is a mode of self-discovery to know your body. It lets the individuals understand

8 Benefits of Not Ejaculating for 7 Days

8 Benefits of Not Ejaculating for 7 Days

We‘re constantly aiming to improve certain aspects of our lives including mental, physical, spiritual and sexual. If your goal is any of these, or even all, it may be surprising to learn that there are several not ejaculating for 7 days benefits. While it may seem counterintuitive, refraining from ejaculation for a set period – be it a day, a week, or even a few months at a time – can have real positive effects across many areas of our lives. Sperm retention is deliberate celibacy from the ejection of sperm. In many cultures, sperm retention has been revealed to have spiritual significance. Introduction Ejaculation frequency can vary from person to person. Some men can go without ejaculation for several days, while others must release it regularly. Retaining sperm is not a harmful approach. Some studies indicate that, if you do not indulge in any sexual activity, your testosterone levels will significantly increase. One study has revealed that complete abstinence for seven days can raise testosterone levels by 146 per cent of baseline levels. Another study has discovered that testosterone levels grow after three weeks of abstinence. Read on to find out what happens if you don’t ejaculate for a week. What Happens When If You Don’t Ejaculate for a Week? Are there side effects if you don’t ejaculate for 7 days? Researchers would say “Not much.” The likely benefits of refraining from ejaculation for a week come from a 2002 analysis conducted in China of 28 men. Researchers studied the men’s serum testosterone levels during a week of celibacy. From days two to five, the study found that differences in serum testosterone concentrations changed little throughout the group, but after seven days, those levels peaked at almost 150 per cent of baseline levels. In other words, they discovered that ejaculation significantly affected serum testosterone at the end of the week. People who unexpectedly see a rise in testosterone after the seven-day abstinence could be experiencing some of the same benefits, but questions about initial testosterone levels and other matters related to testosterone, in general, would need to be considered on an individual basis to confirm that theory. Also Read: 10 Side Effects of Excessive Masturbation Daily? Scientific Research Benefits of Not Ejaculating for 7 Days Perhaps the best thing about not ejaculating for 7 days, is the fact that there are almost no downsides. Regardless of your reasons for doing so, there are no general health risks associated with not ejaculating for 7 days. On the other hand, there may be several benefits that we are still learning. Here are some not ejaculating for 7 days benefits – 1] Self-control According to certain research, masturbation and pornographic cravings are stronger than other types of addictions. Abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation daily will improve your mental health. Self-control is the most challenging thing to achieve. Methods, such as meditation and engaging in calming activities, improve self-control. The most practical way to achieve self-control is by abstaining from compulsive masturbation. 2] Confidence levels As you start your week of not ejaculating for 7 days, you observe that you have more energy and motivation to channel your energy into other activities which can increase your confidence levels. When you begin practising semen retention, you will recover your self-confidence and feel completely comfortable. You will have peace of mind and be confident. 3] Boost Energy Sperm have lower quantities of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is essential in enhancing stamina and transforming food into energy, which is required for the normal functioning of cells. It can assist in maintaining blood cells and supporting nerve cells by controlling megaloblastic anaemia. Therefore, people believe that not ejaculating for 7 days keeps the person engaged and energized. As per some research, not ejaculating for 7 days can increase testosterone levels by up to 45% in just a week. Many men who have practised semen retention have noted greater overall joy and satisfaction and few others have experienced improved and deeper relationships. Also Read: What Are The Benefits Of Not Ejaculating For 30 Days? The Health Benefits of Not Ejaculating for 7 Days While there is still a need for more research most of the published analyses have revolved around the health benefits of not ejaculating. Many of these are correlated again with higher levels of testosterone. Here is what happens if you don’t masturbate for a week in terms of health benefits – 1] Sperm quality One general benefit of semen retention for a week could be better semen quality and mobility. This may be a benefit, especially for those trying for a baby. 2] Libido Libido is the general sex drive or craving for sexual activity. People who practised abstaining from masturbation have noticed that their sexual desires are better channelled. You may understand how to handle these cravings by distracting your mind with other tasks, such as exercise, sports, or other hobbies that require more energy and attention. 3] Immune system The necessary vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, lactic acid, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B12, zinc, sodium, and others are discovered in the sperm. These act as antioxidants and support your immune system by warding off free radicals. 4] Sleep quality A study on men aged 65 years and older indicated that decreased testosterone is linked to reduced sleep time, deteriorated sleep quality, and disturbed sleep. Thus, it is shown that free testosterone is accountable for overall sleep quality. However, getting more sleep increases testosterone production. Men who slept for less than five hours a night had 10 per cent lesser testosterone levels. Thus, sleep raises testosterone, and high testosterone leads to better sleep. 5] Reduced Risk of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Indulging in sexual activity without ejaculation can offer a reduced chance of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). This is because when semen is not discharged, fewer pathogens are present that could cause infection. Research has shown that not ejaculating for 7 days or longer can reduce the risk of transmitting certain STDs

10 Side Effects of Excessive Masturbation Daily

10 Side Effects of Excessive Masturbation Daily? Scientific Research

Masturbation is a normal activity, which involves touching the genitals or other sensitive parts of the body for sexual arousal or pleasure. Masturbation is a natural way to explore your body, feel pleasure, and release built-up sexual tension. In fact, one study in older adults calculated that between 27 to 40 percent of women and 41 to 65 per cent of men reported regular masturbation on average. Despite the myths, there are actually no damaging physically harmful side effects of masturbation. Sometimes, excessive masturbation may be considered harmful or lead to other mental health concerns. Introduction Masturbation is an activity that takes place when an individual uses their genitals for sexual satisfaction, which leads to orgasm. There are many myths when it comes to the side effects of excessive masturbation, but majority of these are wrong. Although the effect of masturbation on the body is not harmful, if you’re ejaculating sperm daily or masturbating then you may experience sensitive skin or slight swelling, which is also known as Edema. However, these side effects may vanish in a few days. But there are other possible harmful side effects of excessive masturbation that you may experience. A study showed that if you’re masturbating more than five times a week and you are in your twenties, then you’re less likely to experience prostate cancer. So, it was explained that if you ejaculate then it will prevent the cancer cells from accumulating. 10 Side Effects of Excessive Masturbation Daily in Men and Women There is no damage caused when you masturbate. At the most, you might feel chafing or tender skin. But such things recover in a few days. However, you might still be worried about the side effects of over-masturbation. Side Effects of excessive masturbation in men 1] Disrupts daily life In some situations, men may find themselves wanting to masturbate often. When they masturbate more than necessary, it may result in: Avoiding career, school, or family occasions Disrupting their everyday life This affects their other relationships and duties Serving as a getaway from life issues or relationship problems Such effects of daily masturbation can lead to loneliness and negligence of responsibilities. Managing the addiction through professional support and concentrating on effective activities is important for a balanced lifestyle. 2] Guilt and Shame Many people are often misinformed that masturbation is sinful according to religion or culture, which might lead to feelings of guilt. However, you must understand there is nothing evil or wrong about masturbation. There is nothing fundamentally immoral about self-pleasure, so masturbation need not be a disgraceful act. Cultural and religious beliefs often tag masturbation as bad, leading to extreme guilt. This guilt can affect mental health, causing anxiety and depression, which is one of the noteworthy effects of masturbation. So, it is better to seek help from a therapist who can help you address these emotions. 3] Prostate cancer There still is a discussion about whether masturbation raises or lowers the risk of prostate cancer. Excessive masturbation is not a preventive action and should not be done in excess as a means of lessening the risk of cancer. A study found a connection between regular ejaculation and a decreased risk of prostate cancer. Contrarily, another study discovered that too much sexual action or masturbation in a man’s might increase his chance of prostate cancer. Researchers believe that the lowered risk was due to the precluding of a build-up of cancer-causing means in the prostate gland.  4] Low Sperm Count Masturbating can be a beneficial approach. However, it is only healthy if you do not do it in excess. No matter how good something is, we must still do it in restraint. When men masturbate excessively, it might negatively affect their ability to produce testosterone in the body which can result in a low sperm count. For those who want to start a family, this can be destructive. 5] Lesser Sexual Sensitivity One of the side effects of excessive masturbation​ includes reduced sexual sensitivity. A tight grip on the penis may lead you to feel lowered sensations in the long run. However, this can be fixed by changing your masturbation methods. Masturbation side effects are difficult, especially to gain pleasure during partnered sex, but by using various techniques and moderating frequency, you can retain sensitivity. Side Effects of excessive masturbation in women 1] Lack of Focus: Excessive masturbation may result in addiction which leads to disruptions in daily activities, such as in your job, socializing, or relationships. It can act as a mechanism to avoid facing problems in a relationship or act as a substitute for authentic real-life experiences. This can lead to problems in keeping a balanced lifestyle and achieving responsibilities. If you masturbate more than you want, an addiction will make you want to miss work, school, and significant social events. It interrupts the daily cycle of a person, which will impact responsibility and relationships. 2] Lesser libido Libido is a term that is generally used to describe a person’s prevalent sexual drive or desire. The effect of masturbation on body regularly can lead to a reduction in libido or sexual desire. Regular self-stimulation may spoil the natural sexual reaction cycle, resulting in lowered interest in sexual activities with a partner. 3] Back pain Excessive masturbation leads to back pain as you experience pain and cramps in the pelvic area.  It is one of the side effects of excessive masturbation​ in females. Contraction of the pelvic muscle happens and engaging in excessive masturbation may require repetitive movements or sustained positions that can weaken the muscles in the pelvic region and lower back. Over time, this can cause muscular discomfort, including back pain. 4] Emotionally stressful Can make one feel guilty as per culture, religion and spiritual ideas. Some consider it to be sinful or wrong and dirty. They believe that it is not a spiritual or cultural practice and may encounter a feeling of shame. But masturbation is not immoral. Self-pleasure is normal and everyone has a

Does Masturbating Affect Studies

Does Masturbating Affect Studies? Debunking the Myth

Where in a student’s life, it seems that academic performance reigns supreme, so many things are being investigated regarding their study habits and performance. Among such topics that often pop up in whispers in the campus communities as well as on web forums, there is the question of sexual behaviour and masturbation as it relates to their ability to finish successfully at school. It is a simple question but somehow complex: does masturbation affect studies? This comprehensive blog post will demystify the relationship between masturbation and scholarly performances. We’ll delve deeper into scientific research that breaks common myths, drawing practical tips on balancing personal habits and academic pursuits. We hope to explore this topic candidly and objectively so we may share helpful information concerning this issue with students, educators, and parents alike. Does Masturbating Affect Studies? Most importantly, the central question of whether masturbation affects studies is approached with an open mind and scientifically proven research, not myths or societal taboos. The Science Behind Masturbation and Cognitive Function Contrary to the common assumptions, there is no scientific evidence connecting masturbation with poor cognitive functions and poor academic performance. Some studies suggest that sexual activity, including masturbation, could have effects that are positive on mental well-being, reduce stress and better one’s health in general. A research study that was published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior concluded that sexual activity was associated with improved memory functioning among young adults. While the study discussed above involved partnered sexual activity, it seems that sexual arousal and orgasm might be more cognitively positive than negative. Physiological Effects of Masturbation Stimulating Dopamine, Oxytocin, and Endorphin substances may lead to enhanced mood, lessened anxiety levels, and enhanced quality of rest—all of which can benefit research studies. Potential Indirect Effects on Studies Though masturbation itself does not directly impair cognition, there are indirect effects to be considered: Proper time utilization: Since study hours can be significantly spent in masturbation, it indirectly affects the student’s performance. Energy: Excessive masturbation may lead to temporary weakness and possibly compromise one’s concentration during study periods. Psychological factors: Shame or guilt about masturbation may often result in interference with mental acuity and diversion from academic focus, even though it is based on cultural or religious dogma. The key takeaway from the above is that masturbation does not inherently affect studies. It all depends on personal habits, rates, and a balanced life. What is the Relationship Between Masturbation and Academic Performance? Considering the time effects of masturbation on studies, let’s discuss the various factors that affect academic performance. Controlled masturbation may be beneficial to mental health in general, according to research. Masturbation can ease pain in addition to lowering tension and stress. Only when you overindulge in masturbation may it have a detrimental effect on your body. Let’s dive deeper into these aspects: 1. Time Management First and foremost, the most significant that masturbation affects studies happens to be in the context of managing time. Just like any other activity, taking time off for masturbation, and if not handled properly, then it is sure to devour precious hours of study. Let’s see how: Procrastination: The student may procrastinate important academic tasks using masturbation. Study schedule disruption: This is especially true for unplanned masturbation, as it will easily disrupt an already set academic schedule. Poor time productivity: Every time for masturbation translates to no time for academic purposes. This can lead to poor assignment submission or incomplete session studies. 2. Energy Levels Although masturbation can be relaxed, the energy aspects are other: Post-orgasm fatigue: Some people can feel temporary fatigue after orgasm, which may affect concentration if masturbation is done either before or during sessions of study. Relief from stress: On the other hand, some people masturbate for stress relief. After doing so, one can feel more relaxed and mentally prepared for subsequent study sessions. Changes in hormones: The hormones that get released during and after masturbation will impact the mood and levels of energy and may, therefore, have an indirect influence on study performance. 3. Psychological Factors The psychological aspects of masturbation might sometimes influence learning: Shame and guilt: In societies or cultures where masturbation is ‘no go,’ then some people might feel guilty or ashamed, which causes pressure and distraction from learning. Risk of addiction: Other individuals fear being addicted to masturbation. This anxiety affects the person’s learning. Self-esteem: Depending on beliefs and experiences, masturbation could either positively or negatively be affected by self-esteem and may hence directly affect academic confidence 4. Sleep Quality Masturbation will affect the sleep pattern and, therefore, affects academic performance: Good sleep: For some, masturbation before sleep improves sleep habits and indirectly supports cognitive functioning and learning capability. Sleep Disrupted: If masturbation causes staying up late, then it may result in sleep deprivation, which hurts daytime alertness and study effectiveness 5. Stress Management Stress is a factor mainly impacting academic performance, and masturbation can become a part of stress management. Masturbation as a stress relief tool: Masturbation can be a stress relief tool, so increasing its effects would benefit academic performance by reducing anxiety and improving mood. Coping mechanism: Some students will indulge in masturbation as a coping mechanism for academic tension, which may be beneficial if not carried out to extremes. 6. Cognitive Function Though there is no direct evidence that masturbation slows down the cognitive function, there are indirect effects that may result: Short-term effects: Some individuals can report a short-term “brain fog” effect after engaging in masturbation, thus hindering immediate study effectiveness. Long-term effects: There has been no proven scientific evidence that suggests masturbation has any adverse long-term impact on cognitive skills or memory. However, masturbation and academic performance seem to have a lot of individual variation. What suits one may not precisely suit another. The idea is to balance one’s well-being in person and academic success. Tips for Balancing Masturbation and Studies For those worried about how masturbation affects studies, here are some simple tips that can be used to strike the

7 Reasons Why Does Masturbating Feel Good Scientific Research

7 Reasons Why Does Masturbating Feel Good? Scientific Research

Masturbation is a natural and relatively common event that most people indulge in at various stages of life. Still, there is something around the issue that is surrounded by a sort of stigma and, at the same time, curiosity. Questions pop up regarding the mechanism of pleasure, like why does masturbation feel good? Knowing the reasons for the pleasurable sensations in masturbation requires a great amount of understanding related to physiology, psychology, and emotional dimensions of human sexuality. The pleasure of masturbation can be traced to a mix of sensations, hormone releases, and even mental well-being. In this blog, we hope to look into the science behind why masturbation feels good, its benefits, potential drawbacks, and everything else you may need to know to make informed decisions about this common practice. 7 Reasons Why Masturbation Feels Good It’s standard practice to masturbate, which is touching the genitalia or other delicate body parts for pleasure or sexual stimulation. Indeed, according to an estimate from a study on older persons, between 27 and 40 percent of women and 41 to 65 percent of males admitted to masturbating in the previous month. 1. Release of Endorphins A principal reason why masturbation feels good is the release of endorphins in the process. Endorphins are chemicals the body produces to decrease pain and bring about feelings of happiness and euphoria. The stimulation of sexuality, such as masturbation, sends electrical signals from nerves in the genitals to the brain, which creates a natural high. Ninety percent of participants in a 2020 Indian sex study said they engage in at least one monthly masturbation. Eighty-five percent of those surveyed said they would be interested in trying out sex toys. It not only brings a high mood but also relaxation and euphoria. This neurochemical response is similar to the “runner’s high” experienced by athletes, indicative of how our bodies are wired to find pleasure in exercising and self-stimulation. 2. Physical Sensation Yet another reason why masturbation feels so good is the physical pleasure one receives from the stimulation of sensitive parts of the body. Human bodies are overly saturated with nerve endings located mainly around the genitals, giving off a sensation that can easily overpower the individual when touched. The physiological reaction to masturbation is both psychically arousing and physiologically stimulating because it’s a matter of discovering what feels good in one’s body, deepening an understanding of their sexual responses. Self-exploration can lead to a better connection with one’s body and improve general sexual satisfaction. 3. Stress Relief It’s beneficial to masturbate to relieve stress. In today’s environment, stress and anxiety are commonplace, and people need time away from these emotions. In response to stress, the body releases cortisol, which makes the body feel uncomfortable and uneasy. By promoting relaxation and reducing the body’s production of cortisol, masturbation aids in the reduction of stress. Now, endorphins are released together with the physical pleasure of masturbation, creating a general sense of well-being.  Masturbating women reported more orgasms, improved self-esteem, stronger sexual desire, and greater satisfaction with their marital and sex life, according to a 2015 study on married women. Thus, many people end up feeling so much better after masturbation, reaffirming the question: does masturbating feel good? The answer is mostly a sure and thumping yes because it provides immediate and longer stress relief. Also Read: Does Masturbation Cause Blindness? Here’s the Truth 4. Increased Blood Flow Masturbation increases the genitals’ blood flow, which increases their sensitivity. When masturbating, several physiological changes occur, such as elevated blood pressure and pulse rate.  This increased blood flow can heighten these feelings, thus improving sexual pleasure. The arousal process is very physiological; it is only as you feel yourself get more and more turned on that your body’s response becomes a part of the process. These physiological feedback loops strengthen the pleasurable feelings that masturbation provokes. 5. Mental Escapism Masturbation can also temporarily serve as an emotional escape from frequent stressors and responsibilities. Indeed, many are known to assert that masturbation allows them to concentrate exclusively on their bodies and sensations, thus supporting a temporary distraction from life’s difficulties. This psychological relief can further be associated with the aspect of happiness and contentment, returning to the question of why does masturbation feels good. Concentration on personal pleasures allows one to treat oneself to a reprieve from daily pressures, which improves one’s moods and acuity. 6. Exploration of Sexuality To many, masturbation presents a very significant tool through which individuals explore their bodies, hence enabling them to gain an understanding of their sexual preferences. It may lead to greater sexual satisfaction for a given individual, both during masturbation and in the sexual experience with a partner. A cohort study conducted in 2016A higher frequency of ejaculation was linked to a lower risk of prostate cancer, according to a Trusted Source study with 31,925 participants and an 18-year follow-up. According to a 2016 review of the literature, 44% of the studies examined found a similar correlation between frequent ejaculation and a decreased risk of prostate cancer. Understanding what feels right would make them better at telling others what to expect and will make the sexual experience far better than imagined. So, this self-empowerment or self-discovery should go along with developing a healthy relationship with one’s body and, thereby, also with sexual experience. 7. Relief from Menstrual Cramps For women, masturbation may help break up menstrual blood clots, which can contribute to relief from menstrual cramps. The contractions experienced during orgasm can help ease pain, making this not only a pleasurable but also beneficial sexual experience at a time when women are often uncomfortable. This benefit in itself entails the question of why masturbation feels good because, apart from being a source of pleasure, it also entails a role in pain control. This duality of benefit gives credence to not understanding masturbation as a sex act but, instead, as a multiplex experience to benefit overall well-being. Also Read: How Often Do Men Masturbate? The

How Often Do Men Masturbate

How Often Do Men Masturbate? The Science Behind the Habit

Masturbation is a common and natural sexual activity practised by people of any gender. However, there usually comes the question of what is “normal” masturbation frequency, especially in men. The article investigates the question of how often men masturbate. It looks into research on the topic, expert opinions, and common misconceptions that can help create a more detailed explanation of men’s masturbation habits and their possible impacts on health and well-being. Worth adding is that there is no general rule of how often men masturbate, especially considering such factors as individual tastes, lifestyle, or health. However, if we look into the data and further analysis of the experts, there could be a more substantial understanding regarding the common patterns and risks or benefits accompanying different masturbation frequencies. How Often Do Men Masturbate? What may be termed the most frequently asked question about male sexual behaviour is: how often do men masturbate? Reliable statistics are hard to come by because masturbation is such a private activity, and even more than that, it tends to be underreported. Still, some researchers have done their best to find an answer. Of the more than 800 teens and young adults polled in a survey conducted in JAMA Pediatrics, nearly 74% of the males stated that they masturbated. Amongst masturbators, frequency varied:  48.1% of masturbators reported masturbation 2-3 times per week 26.8% masturbated 4-6 times per week 9.4% masturbated at least once a day These estimates reflect only the under-30 males; the ‘patterns’ will probably differ for different age groups. One more study that included a more diverse age range reported that: 20% of men admitted masturbation 3-4 times a week 23% admitted masturbation several times a month 20% reported masturbation a few times a year These statistics underscore that there’s a wide range of what could be considered “normal” when it comes to how often men masturbate. While some may masturbate daily, others will do it only occasionally, and each one is perfectly healthy, depending on the individual circumstances. How Many Times Can A Man Masturbate in a Day? While we discussed the average number of times men masturbate, some might be curious about how often they masturbate. Technically, there is no direct biological constraint on the number of times a man can masturbate within one day; some may indeed masturbate several times a day, especially among younger men who have higher libidos. However, the very frequent masturbation does call for attention to both physical and psychological considerations. Physical limitations: Generally, male individuals experience a refractory period right after ejaculation where they are not able to have another erection or orgasm. This period can extend from minutes to hours in some men, and with age and physiology, this period also varies in intensity. Skin irritation: Too much masturbation may lead to skin irritation or soreness when proper lubrication is not utilised. Time constraints: Many practical factors such as working, social demands, and sleeping time dictates limit the time available for masturbation Psychological factors: Some people with compulsive traits tend to end up masturbation excessively often or even as a tool for stress coping or anxiety. How Often Does a Man Need to Ejaculate? This is a complex question and could not quickly be answered. From a biological standpoint only, men don’t “need” to ejaculate at any specific frequency at all. The body will naturally release excess sperm through nocturnal emissions (wet dreams) if a man goes extended periods without ejaculating. As per research, a male needs five to seven minutes on average, timed with a stopwatch, to reach orgasm and ejaculate. However, the range is broad overall, spanning from under a minute to more than 30 minutes. On the other hand, many researches show that frequent ejaculation benefits health, particularly the prostate. A study from the NIH indicates that the risk of prostate cancer was lower among men who had at least 21 ejaculations per month compared to those who experienced only an ejaculation frequency of 4-7 times per month. Importantly, these findings are correlational rather than causal. Other factors such as a general health status, diet, and genetics significantly influence a risk of prostate cancer. Nevertheless, this research suggests that average ejaculation frequency, whether by masturbation or by sexual activity with a partner, may be positively related to health. Although there is no specific recommendation on How Often Does a Man Need to Ejaculate, regular sexual activity or masturbation-that is, whatever works for anyone-likely serves the sexual and overall health best for most men. Masturbation Benefits Knowing how often men masturbate is essential, but just as relevant is understanding the possible benefits of doing so. As per the study in comparison to women who desired no change in their frequency of partnered sex, the former group was 3.89 times (95% CI: 2.98, 5.08) and the latter group was 2.07 times (95% CI: 1.63, 2.62) more likely to report higher frequencies of past-year masturbation. F. Men who reported wanting partnered sex more frequently were 2.37 times (95% CI: 1.84, 3.06) and 4.40 times (95% CI: 3.41, 5.68) more likely to report higher frequencies of past-year masturbation activity than those who said they wanted no change in their current frequency of partnered sex. There are several positive outcomes associated with masturbation: Lessened stress: The increase of endorphins through masturbation could reduce stress and lead to a state of relaxation. Better sleep: Oxytocin and prolactin during orgasm and release promote better sleep habits. Relieves depression: Enjoyment of masturbation can improve mood and self-esteem. Prostate health: High frequency of ejaculation has been connected to a reduced chance of developing prostate cancer. Sexual function: Habituation of the male to his body and sexual response can, through regular masturbation, be enhanced and therefore overall sexual function and experience. Pain relief: Endorphin release from masturbation is assumed to induce a mild analgesic effect. These benefits highlight that masturbation, if practised within moderation and as part of a healthy lifestyle, would be in the best interest of his well-being. Negative Effects

Does Masturbation Cause Dark Circles_

Does Masturbation Cause Dark Circles​? Let’s Find Out

In sexual health and wellness, many myths and misconceptions continue to be propagated without much thought or reason, giving people undue concern and confusion. The supposed link between masturbation and physical side effects, especially eye health, has been one of the most widely discussed topics. Rather generic questions that crop up are: “Does masturbation cause dark circles​?” This is an elaborative blog that answers the question and points out other concerns, such as whether masturbation affects eyesight or causes different types of visual impairment. As per the study, men who reported wanting partnered sex more frequently were 2.37 times (95% CI: 1.84, 3.06) and 4.40 times (95% CI: 3.41, 5.68) more likely to report higher frequencies of past-year masturbation activity than those who said they wanted no change in their current frequency of partnered sex, respectively.  With this in mind, we’ll approach this matter with an open mind and rely on scientific evidence rather than hearsay or beliefs. We will look at some aspects of this topic, including masturbation effects on eyes, dispel various misconceptions, and provide facts that will help you understand the actual causes of dark circles and other eye issues. Does Masturbation Affect Eyesight? One of the most persistent urban myths about masturbation continues to be circulating, namely one that concerns the effect it supposedly exerts on eyesight. For generations, there’s this endless circulation of the question: “Does masturbation affect eyesight?” This kind of whim creates extreme anxiety for those who, purely naturally and healthily, engage in that category of sex toys. The claim that may be directly countered is that masturbation reduces one’s eyesight. Scientifically, nothing will support this claim. The human vision system is very complicated and based on a million factors for optimal functioning, none of which masturbation directly impacts. It can be traced back to history as being one of the factors that discourage sexual activities, especially for the young generations. Without proper sexual education, such undue claims were thought to be frightening enough. But modern medical science has long exploded them. Sexual activity, masturbation inclusive, can have several beneficial effects on health in general: Relief from stress and contributing to relaxation: Masturbation would help to facilitate or release pressure. Improved sleep: The endorphins produced at the time of orgasm may enable a person to have good quality sleep. Alleviation of pain: Menstrual cramps or headaches may be less severe in some people after masturbation. Mood enhancement: The hormones related to feeling good, dopamine and oxytocin, may help to improve mood. Again, these are all documented benefits but do not include eye improvement or preventing eye problems.  Does Masturbation Lead To Blindness? Another of the most common false myths that has been around for a good long time is that masturbation leads to blindness. This illusion is very similar to the myth involving loss of eyesight, and it isn’t true. Men who ejaculated more than five times a week in their 20s had a one-third lower risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer compared to those who ejaculated less frequently, according to a 2003 study. To put it briefly: Does Masturbation Cause Blindness? No, it does not. There is nothing at all in any scientific literature stating masturbation results in a loss of sight or causes blindness. As with many other myths as they relate to masturbation, this one comes from where sordid attempts at discouraging the act have been made over the years based on reasons having nothing to do with medicine but rather church dogma and morality issues. The human vision system is complex and involves numerous factors to function well. Among these are: Genetics General health and nutrition Environmental conditions Ageing changes Certain medical conditions Masturbation does not impair any of these systems in such a manner as to cause loss of vision or blindness. Indeed, masturbation involves the visual system in a usual, healthy way in that it requires visual function, hand-eye coordination, and cognitive processes. One important thing to mention here is that temporary vision changes can occur during sexual excitement or orgasm, such as: Blurred vision Increased sensitivity to light Dilated pupils These impacts are temporary and completely harmless. These symptoms occur because of the autonomic nervous system’s reaction to sexual stimulation. They have no permanent impact on vision or eye health. Does Masturbation Cause Dark Circles? Now, down to the nitty-gritty of this blog: does masturbation cause dark circles ​? It is probably one of the most frequent questions, apart from other masturbation myths related to appearance and health. Simply said: No, masturbation does not cause dark circles. There is no scientific study that proves masturbation is associated with the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. Dark circles are a complex cosmetic issue characterised by several possible causes, and none of them is related to masturbation or sexual activity in general. One likely source for the misconception that masturbation causes dark circles​ is: Misattribution:  Misattribution: The individual might note the appearance of dark circles and attribute that feature to masturbation, especially if they are so beset by guilt that they perform the practice due to cultural or religious reasons. Association with fatigue: Masturbation is typically conducted at night or before sleep. In case this individual delays their bedtime to have time for such an act and then manifests the characteristic of dark circles due to lack of sleep, they would be apt to attribute the dark circles to masturbation itself instead of sleep deprivation. Dehydration myth: Some think that masturbation causes significant fluid loss, which then leads to dehydration. As a result, dark circles.  Stress and guilt: Some people might feel stressed or guilty after this act. Such negative emotions could lead to disturbances in sleep quality and overall well-being, which will indirectly affect the appearance of dark circles. Masturbation causes dark circles​. There’s no science-based research that confirms this saying. Masturbation is a purely natural, healthy aspect of sexual behaviour, and it cannot have anything to do with the appearance of your skin or

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