
NoFap Timeline: Stages and What to Expect in 90 Days

NoFap Timeline Stages and What to Expect in 90 Days

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Although the NoFap timeline journey differs from person to person, there are certain set stages in the NoFap Challenge. This timeline typically starts with physical modifications that lead to psychological advantages. Remember that your journey may not be the same as others so do not worry if you do not witness all of the benefits of every stage. Thus, the most crucial thing to understand during your NoFap journey is to be patient and committed to the journey.

You will likely notice results if you follow consistently till the end. The purpose of the NoFap timeline is to give you a realistic opinion of the different NoFap Challenge steps, and what you will likely undergo during this. Before you start the challenge comprehend that it will not be easy. Moreover, you will also experience intense cravings to watch porn and/or masturbate. However, if you can build up your courage and willpower, you can complete the NoFap challenge and become porn-free.

What is Porn and Masturbation Addiction?

After the rise of the internet, the availability of porn material has increased drastically. The easy accessibility of this material resulted in most of the population depending on it for sexual satisfaction as well as experiencing their fantasies through the digital domain. Internet porn is the new kid on the block in the world of addiction.

Easy accessibility of porn can give you a quick hit of dopamine through sexual pleasure have caused patterns of addiction among many individuals.

Any addiction is a pathological obsession. The term refers to the continued recurrence of certain behaviours even after they have started to harm your life.

Generally, when most people start masturbating, they enjoy it in a healthy amount. However, as with any pleasurable activity, it’s fairly easy to start masturbating excessively. If you start masturbating to the point where it’s impacting your social life or mental health, you’re probably facing masturbation and porn addiction.

Some common symptoms of porn and masturbation addiction –

Pornography addiction and masturbation addiction often go hand-in-hand, however, this is not always the case. People can develop an addiction to masturbation even without using pornography. However, as their addiction becomes more intense, they may begin to rely on pornographic stimulation to satisfy their needs.

  • Avoiding social gatherings to watch porn and masturbate.
  • Stepping away from daily activities and responsibilities, or work so that you can watch porn.
  • Always thinking about masturbation to the point where it takes up most of your thoughts.
  • It is not uncommon for people with porn and masturbation addiction to create problems in their relationships.
  • Watching porn and masturbating several times a day.
  • Being unable to hold your compulsions to masturbate.

What is the NoFap Challenge?

“Fap” means masturbation which has become increasingly prevalent over the last few years.

“NoFap” meaning no masturbation, refers to masturbation celibacy.

The NoFap challenge is a time-bound obligation to masturbatory abstinence meant to help you reap witness the benefits of self-restraint. The NoFap movement, which you can find at, is one big abstinence support group.

At the core of NoFap is the concept of treating both pornography and masturbation as addictions that need to be cured through self-control, self-improvement and a break from internet porn which can be achieved with the Nofap timeline.

Compulsive sexual behaviour does exist, and porn also replaces real relationships with excessive solo time.

Porn addiction, according to NoFap, is caused by the habit-forming character of our brain’s reward system and how porn forms powerful ways with neurotransmitters to make the addiction strong.

There are two primary guiding principles:

  • Internet pornography is bad for your brain and refraining from it is beneficial for your mental health.
  • Excessive masturbation is bad for your health and staying away from masturbation is, therefore, good for it.

To learn more you can read our blog on the things to avoid during the NoFap challenge.

What is the NoFap Timeline and What to Expect in 90 Days?

The NoFap timeline is the set of experiences you’ll go through while performing the NoFap challenge.

The NoFap stages are –

  1. First stage: Initial excitement and testosterone build-up
  2. Second stage: The NoFap flatline
  3. Third stage: NoFap benefits

Here are the stages of NoFap timeline in detail –

The goal of this challenge is to give your mind and body a chance to “reset” themselves, so porn, masturbating, or masturbating to porn no longer takes precedence in your life. The time you spend going through the various stages of the NoFap Challenge, also referred to as your “NoFap Timeline,” will likely be different from another person’s “NoFap Timeline.”

NoFap Stage 1 (First Week)

Day 1:

  • The first day of the challenge is the most exciting of all the NoFap stages.
  • You are now determined and committed to making positive changes in your life, so you feel good about yourself and your decision.
  • You may also experience some anxiety due to the anticipation of starting something new.
  • Your angst will decrease as you become more comfortable with the process.
  • The key to success is to avoid overthinking every feeling or thought and take baby steps.

Day 2:  

  • Strong cravings to view porn and masturbate may arise but don’t worry, this is part of the NoFap challenge process.  
  • These urges mean your body is starting to detox from the excess dopamine and serotonin released when viewing porn or masturbating.  
  • These desires are momentary and will reduce as you progress through the NoFap Challenge.

Day 3:  

  • The third day is often when you experience the positive effects of the NoFap timeline.
  • You may notice progress in your energy and health.  
  • You might feel more focused, productive and self-aware when compared to before.

Day 4:  

  • Fighting urges to watch porn can be difficult on this day.  
  • Good coping techniques and motivation can help alleviate these urges.  
  • Relapsing is possible it’s okay to fail a few times as part of the procedure to get rid of your addiction.

Day 5:  

  • The fifth day is critical to your success as you will observe significant gains in health, decreased porn use, and changes in masturbation habits.
  • You will discover that overcoming porn or masturbation addiction takes a huge effort, will, and belief.  
  • Willpower can amplify or wear down with use.  
  • Temptations may be easier to withstand in the morning but urges tend to increase in the evening due to fatigue.

Days 6 & 7:  

  • For most people, the sixth and seventh days fall on the weekend.  
  • Many start the NoFap Challenge on a Monday, like a resolution and many struggle to achieve their NoFap goals during these days.

NoFap benefits timeline week 1

  1. Enjoyment in your daily activities.
  2. Interest in building relationships
  3. You will feel stronger physically and mentally.
  4. Energy levels will start increasing.
  5. You will start to appreciate little things in life.

NoFap Stage 2 (Week 2 and 3)

During this stage of the NoFap challenge, you might experience a NoFap flatline. You may feel like you are at your lowest point and you probably will not experience your normal urges to masturbate with or without porn.

You may even mistake flatline symptoms as that of being sick. You may experience more than one flatline, but that is normal and it is important that you do not quit the NoFap Challenge, because after a few days, your brain will “reset” and you will be back on track.

During a NoFap flatline, you may experience a decrease in anxiety, despair, and quality sleep, due to the removal of porn and toxicity from your mind.

Days 8-14:

  • You may experience strong cravings to watch porn and masturbate
  • These urges are temporary and will eventually decline.
  • You may also notice progress in your relationships and friendships.

Days 15-21:

  • By the third week, you should be feeling better.
  • You are now a significant part of the way through the NoFap Challenge.
  • You can experience incredible mental and physical benefits by this time.

NoFap benefits timeline week 2 and 3

  • Your productivity levels increase
  • Lesser stress and anxiety.
  • More confidence in your life.
  • Self-awareness and will to improve fitness levels
  • You will be more conscious leading to hard work and success
  • Your skin gets clearer and your hair fall will reduce

NoFap Stage 3 (Week 4,5 and 6)

In studies on drug addicts, 90 days show a return to control in dopamine reward systems, and the production in the brain returns to standard levels.

You might have fewer critical symptoms, but old triggers to look at porn can remain.

If you are struggling to quit porn for good, you can install an effective porn blocker like BlockP which has various features to help you attain self-confidence and control over impulses.

Some note-worthy features are –

  • Adult blocker Chrome extension
  • AI Blocking
  • Customizable keyword filtering
  • Set custom quote for motivation
  • Set a redirect URL
  • Focus mode to be productive

Days 22-28

  • Urges to watch porn or masturbate may increase during these days.
  • Your relationship will keep improving.
  • You will regain control of your thoughts and behaviours.

Days 29-35:

  • You feel really good inside and out, potentially experiencing a “natural high.”
  • Halfway through the challenge, your confidence should be growing.
  • You’ll feel more enthusiastic, though the urges may intensify
  • NoFap will alter your mindset, ultimately transforming you into a better person.
  • You’ll likely start giving more respect, which will make you more appealing to potential prospects.

Days 36-42:

  • You may feel like you are stuck in an emotional rollercoaster of “doom and gloom.”
  • You may feel fatigued for no reason
  • This stage can trigger anxiety and depression

NoFap benefits timeline weeks 4,5 and 6

  • More sharpness, perception, and concentration.
  • Infuses a sense of control and healthy living, improving self-esteem.
  • Promotes smart decision-making, advancing personal standards.
  • Enables a clearer reality, making users less influenced by minor issues.

NoFap Stage 4 (Week 7,8 and 9)

However in this stage, you may experience withdrawal signs of flatline, and motivation to achieve your goal may slightly decrease.

Think like, this phase is your fertile land, and whatever you plant in, it will start to proliferate.

You may start meditation to feel a stronger sense of yourself and self-confidence.

Your cravings will start to return in this NoFap stage, and it will get stronger every day.

Days 43-63:

  • You are now midway through your NoFap journey, a notable milestone.
  • However, this period can be difficult, with potential lapses involving both your mind and body.
  • Your energy and productivity may decline during this stage.
  • You might experience a dip in self-esteem.
  • You may doubt whether the NoFap Challenge is truly helpful.
  • Remember, these setbacks are temporary obstacles that you are now better prepared to endure.

NoFap benefits timeline weeks 7,8 and 9

  1. Better sleep quality.
  2. Love and happiness in living
  3. Respect for other people.
  4. No more brain fog
  5. Your passion for studies or career will return.
  6. Better love life and relationships

NoFap Stage 5 (Week 10 and 24)

Most assume that once the flatline period is over, you have crossed your biggest obstacle. You will indeed feel all the energy, positivity and the direction of your life will be upward. You will experience more happiness and your lifestyle will be better than before, but the most significant problem in this step is psychological.

There are greater chances that you will relapse in this stage, especially between day 60 and day 180.

You may feel lonely, and the pain of your past may come back to haunt you, but it’s important that you don’t avoid these feelings. Have courage and face them and eventually, you’ll heal.

Days 70-119:

  • Your sex drive increases and morning erections become more regular.
  • You feel energetic and motivated.
  • Your social activity improves.
  • Your sex life improves, as you focus more on connecting with your real-life partner.

Days 126-168:

  • A prominent boost in testosterone.
  • Overall well-being gets better, and you feel better about your life
  • You witness a spark in your romantic relationship

NoFap benefits timeline weeks 10 -24

  • Better human connections, delivering optimal neurochemical release.
  • Internal world purification, mirroring in a brighter, beautiful external reality.
  • Significant erectile dysfunction progress
  • Lesser worries
  • Higher self-confidence

NoFap Stage 6 (6 Months+)

  • After six on the NoFap Challenge, you will have reaped the greatest benefits of refraining from porn and masturbation.
  • You will experience higher energy levels, a positive mindset, and a wholesome outlook on life.
  • Your social, personal, and sexual lives will grow.
  • Without the fatigue from masturbating, you will have more energy for other activities.
  • During this stage, you will feel confident, productive, and focused.
  • The shame and guilt from your addiction will be gone, with porn being a distant memory.
  • You will no longer feel uncertain, anxious, or down due to porn use or masturbation.
  • Fapping or watching porn will no longer dominate your day, and you will feel like a whole, fit person ready to welcome all that life has to offer.

FAQs on NoFap Timeline

1] Does nofap make you hornier?

Normal guys regularly feel horny, and feel the need to ejaculate. Refraining from masturbation can intensify the urge and for many guys, irritable and hard to keep up since your body is designed to have frequent ejaculations.

2] What is the NoFap flatline period?

The flatline is a period of struggle in the NoFap challenge you have to go through before you can reap the benefits. It usually occurs in NoFap weeks 2 – 6.


  • Riya

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